Carlo Bagnato
BSc in Bioengineering, Polytechnic of Turin
MSc in Neuroeng. and Cognitive Sciences, Univ. of Genoa
PhD in Behavioural Neuroscience

Early Stage Researcher
Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
SW7 2AZ London, UK
Office: 4.28 RSM


About me

Carlo Bagnato received his BSc in Bioengineering from Polytechnic of Turin, and his MSc in Neuroengineering and Cognitive Sciences from University of Genoa. He attained a PhD under the supervision of Professor Etienne Burdet at the Human Robotics Group.

He conducted behavioral studies to gain insight into: 
- Human motor responses to discomfort and pain;
- Effect of reward and punishment on human learning;
- Human-human interaction.

Other interests included social psychology, behavioural economics, neuromarketing, user experience and consumer behaviour.


Graded pain feedback of motor performance improves, not impairs, motor learning
C. Bagnato, M. Jeanneret, L. Voisin, A. Takagi & E. Burdet. 
In preparation

Physical interaction across individuals matches bimanual performance of individuals
C. Bagnato*, A. Melendez-Calderon*, A. Takagi, V. Sanguineti & E. Burdet
In preparation

Facing the partner influences exchanges in force
A. Takagi, C. Bagnato & E. Burdet. 
Scientific Reports (2016). 

A versatile robotic haptic stimulator to study the influence of pain on human motor control and learning
M. Jeanneret, C. Bagnato, A.G. Allievi & E. Burdet. 
International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (2016).

A simple fMRI compatible robotic stimulator to study the neural mechanisms of touch and pain
C. Bagnato*, F. Riillo*, A. Allievi, A. Takagi, L. Fabrizi, G. Saggio, T. Arichi & E. Burdet.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2016).

Artificial nociception and motor responses to pain, for humans and robots
C. Bagnato, A. Takagi & E. Burdet.
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2015).

Does physical interaction escalate?
A. Takagi, C. Bagnato & E. Burdet.
International Conference on Social Robotics (2013).

*  equal contribution.