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Freedom of Information Compendium College Committee - Explanation of the fields

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ISAAR(CPF) Reference
1.3 Authority Entry

Name of Entity (Date Range)

Territorial authority of Entity
2.1.6 Mandate, Function and sphere of activity

Function: Main function(s) of the entity

2.1.3 Date and Place of Existence

Location: Place of Existence

2.1.6 Mandate, Function and sphere of activity
A summary note, highlighting activities, achievements and any events of signficance.


URL: The home page for this entity is located at Linked address of entity web site
2.1.1 Legal number(s)
Legal Number: Any official number to identify the entity
2.1.5 Legal status
Legal Status: e.g. private, public, semi-private, etc and nationality
1.4 Parallel entries;
1.5 Non-preferred terms
Other Names: Standardized alternate access point under which the authority entity occurs in other language or script; Alternate names
Business Location: The place from which the entity operates
2.1.4 Business Location
2.1.7 Administrative Structure;
2.1.9 Other significant information
Additional information about the entity

Related Entries

2.1.8 Relationships
Relationships of entity to other entities

Online Sources

A list of online resources for the entity


Archival/Heritage Sources

Link to a page detailing archival or other primary resources for the entity.


Published Sources

Link to a page detailing published and other secondary resources for the entity including any online resources.

Structure based on ISAAR(CPF) - click here for an explanation of the fields.
Prepared by: McCarthy, G.J.
Created: 19 Jun 2006
Last modified: 19 Jun 2006
3.2 Rules or Conventions
3.1 Archivist's Note

Published by Imperial College, London
Comments, questions, corrections and additions:
Updated: 19 June 2006

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