The BSEL is housed in a 2,000 sq. feet state-of-the-art facility that was built in 2004. The laboratory contains offices for post-doctorial fellows and PhD students. It consists of several sepcialised facilities allowing the performance of cutting-edge research in the areas of stem cell bioprocessing, tissue engineering, mammalian cell culture, and microbial fermentation.

Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory

Please click on the links below for a brief virtual tour of each room:


The general preparatory lab contains general equipment such as centrifuges, balances and water purification system.

Specialised equipment includes:

Nova Biomedial BioProfile 400Nova Biomedial BioProfile 400

  • Provides immediate analysis of key nutrients, metabolites, and gases in cell culture and fermentation media.
  • Fully automated, multi-test systems designed for rapid, simultaneous analysis with results available in 3 minutes or less.
  • Measured tests glucose, lactate, glutamine, glutamate, ammonium, pH, PO2, PCO2, sodium, potassium, acetate, phosphate, and glycerol.

Thermal-Induced Separation (TIPS) ApparatusThermal-Induced Separation (TIPS) Apparatus

  • Supercooled ethylene glycol bath attached to vacuum pump and liquid nitrogen


High Performance Liquid Chromatography SystemHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography System

  • Equipped with amino acid exchange column



ELx 808 ELISA ReaderELx 808 ELISA Reader

  • Microplate reader to asses fluorescently-conjugated dye adherence to cells

Assorted centrifuges

  • For 1.5 mL eppindorfs, 15 mL, and 50 mL centrifuge tubes
  • Appartus to perform cytospin for cell imaging

Millipore GUAVA EasyCYTE Benchtop 8HT High Throughput Sampling Flow Cytometer

Key features:

  • 2-laser setup: 488 nm, 640 nm for detecting up to 6 colors and 8 parameters.
  • Automated sampling for 96 well plates / single sample loading for tubes
  • Microcapillary flow cell for no sheath fluid
  • Direct, absolute counts of cells per uL
  • Guava InCYTE cytometry software

Ruskinn InvivO2 400 Hypoxia Workstation with Digital Microscope

Key features:

  • Short interlock (pass-through) purge cycle time
  • Single Plate Entry System (SPES)
  • O2 stability from 0.0% (anoxia) to 20.9% (ambient) in 0.1% increments
  • CO2 stability from 0.0% to 30.0% in 0.1% increments
  • Digital microscope allows for the capture of images and movies for cells

Promega GloMax-Multi+ Detection System

Key features:

  • Luminesence, Fluoresence and Absorbance for bioassays
  • 6, 12, 48, 96, 382 well microplate reader
  • Instinct Software with microplate builder on a color touch screen

BioFlo 110 bioreactor

Key features:

  • Fermentation and cell culture system.
  • Directs up to four culture vessels at once.
  • A total of 32 control loops.
  • Temperature control via water jacket.

Olympus BX51 digital image analysis fluorescence microscope

Key features:

  • BX51 Olympus microscope
  • UPLFL 10x objective
  • UPLFL 20x objective
  • Plan 50x oil objective
  • UPLFL 100x oil objective
  • BX-RFA Fluorescence illuminator
  • U-MWIY2 wide band fluorescence cube (exciter BP 545/580 nm, DM 600, Barrier BA 610 nm)
  • U-MNU2 narrow band fluorescence cube (exciter BP 360/370 nm, DM 500, Barrier BA 420 nm)
  • U-MNB2 narrow band fluorescence cube (exciter 470/490 nm, DM500, Barrier BA 515 nm)
  • DP50 Digital camera (5.8 million pixel equivalent)
  • AnalySIS-Auto software for 3D image construction

Leica DM IL inverted phase microscope

Key features:

  • Integrated Hoffman Modulation Contrast (IMC)
  • Optimized Fluorescence with 3 position filter cube slider
  • Field of View: 20 mm
  • 6 Volt/35 Watt transmitted light illumination

This is a positive pressure clean room (HEPA-filtered air supply) equipped with three direct exhaust laminar flow cabinets.

Three (3x) HERAsafe Class II Biosafety CabinetsThree (3x) HERAsafe Class II Biosafety Cabinets

Key features:

  • Aerosol-tight & motor-driven front window.
  • Filter rated at 99.999% for 0.3 µ particles.
  • Windows made from non-reflecting laminated safety glass.
  • A monitoring system that clearly alerts the user in the event of a blower or filter failure.
  • A keypad lock to limit unauthorised access.

Varied Incubators (8x) designed for O2, CO2, static culture, and bioreactor outfitsTissue Culture Laboratory

Alongside a tissue culture room-specific microscope, centrifuge, and more.

Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System (RT-PCR)pplied Biosystems StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System (RT-PCR)

  • Fast (40min) and Standard (2hr) runs
  • PC-free or networked operation with intuitive software
  • Supports high resolution melt (HRM) software
  • 4 color, 96 well instrument
  • VeriFlex block for PCR optimisation

With associated PCR shakers, thermocyclers, and more

Sygene BIOFLASH Gel Documentation SystemSygene BIOFLASH Gel Documentation System

  • Darkroom (Epi white lighting factory fitted)
  • High performance CCD camera with zoom lens
  • For western blot / gene analysis

1M4 video clip‌  (QuickTime Player)

*If you do not have QuickTime Player, you can download it free .

1M5 video clip  (QuickTime Player)

 *If you do not have QuickTime Player, you can download it free.

Liquid Nitrogen Cell Cryobank

  • For stable cell preservation

-80C Heracles freezer

  • For medium, reagent, and powder storage

-20C freezer (3x)

4C refrigerator (3x)

Contact details

Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group

Chemical Engineering Department

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601

