• 2007: Maya Lim and Cathy Ye were part of the team that was awarded a "live demo" award at the ISCAS conference in New Orleans, USA.
  • 2005: Yu-Shik Hwang --- Young Investigator Award at the 7th International Conference on Cellular Engineering, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 2004: Wesley Randle --- Finalist Team for the "New Business Challenge" of the Entrepreneurship Centre of the Tanaka Business School at Imperial College London.
  • 2004: Robin Kumar --- Junior Moulton Award by the Institute of Chemical Engineers for the best paper entitled "An Oxygen Transport Model for Human Bone Marrow Microcirculation" published in Food & Bioproducts Processing.
  • 2003: Wesley Randle --- Best student poster award for "Osteogenic Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in Serum Free Medium and Scale-up for Bone Repair" at the Tissue Engineering Society International, Florida, USA.

Contact details

Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group

Chemical Engineering Department

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601


