Valash Sirikate  – MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management 2013

Mind Pump Studio LTD was founded in 2013 by a group of young, international entrepreneurs from Imperial College London. The team is focused on developing innovative solutions to every day problems.

Their entrepreneurial journey together began one morning on campus when Co-founder Chris Costello shared the story of how he had spilled his takeout curry all over his laptop the night before. And so the Lapkin was born from the sad demise of his Mac. The Lapkin is described as the world’s first and only eco-friendly, disposable and touchpad compatible laptop keyboard cover.

Lapkin: The product is made of paper thin but strong eco-friendly bioplastic material that covers the keyboard and the trackpad without interfering with finger swiping, mouse movement or the ventilation all this while protecting the device from crumbs, spills and contaminants. You can even write directly on it without damagaing the device underneath. The glue dots leave no residue and can be positioned and repositioned, ensuring a smooth experience. Simply throw it away when it gets messy and its biodegradable plastics will degrade to zero pollution within a year.

Not only are laptop repairs expensive and inconvenient but silicone covers also can damage the environment and the laptop. While crumbs and spills reduce performance over time, keyboards are also “dirtier than a toilet”.

For more information visit

Contact details

Contact details
Sector: Consumer Products/Laptop Accessories
Location: London UK
Telephone: +44 (0)7447921319
Entry last updated: 6 January 2015