As a project in the framework of European Association of Aerospace Industries Manufacturers, VIVACE addresses aeronautics' Vision 2020 objectives to contribute significantly to fulfilling the targets of the aeronautics industry strategic research agenda.

The Dynamics Section of Imperial College London participated in the VIVACE project to contribute to the Work Package, Whole Engine Development. The Subtask 2.3.2: Test Simulation, Planning & Measurement developed new methodologies for test strategies in order to make vibration tests more efficient and informative for the purpose of model updating and model validation. The test planning techniques will be further explored to extend their application for other types of tests and measurement methods.

The Subtask 2.3.3: Model validation & updating focused on the model validation process itself with reference information for the target structure obtained from supermodels of the structure in the place of traditional tests on prototype test structures. New methods will be developed and the primary objective of the development is to cut the time significantly for achieving validated whole engine models that can be used in the design-modification cycles.


Contact Details

555 Mechanical Engineering
City & Guilds Building
Imperial College
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 7078