
The Sustainable Energy Futures Conference 2017 will be held on 15 September 2017 in Sir Alexander Fleming building on Imperial College London's South Kensington campus. The Sir Alexander Fleming building is building number 33 on this map of the Imperial College London campus.


09:00 - Registration opens
09:30 - Welcome - Dr Robert Gross, Energy Futures Lab Director of Policy
09:35 - Keynote address - Professor Jim Skea, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Centre for Environmental Policy
Chair in Sustainable Energy
10:00 - Solar
10:35 - Tea and coffee break
11:05 - Demand side management and storage
11:20 - Novel energy technologies
12:05 - Lunch and Poster session
13:30 - Energy economics
14:05 - Built environment
14:40 - Tea and coffee break
15:00 - Policy
15:35 - Energy systems
16:10 - Closing Remarks - Professor Graham Hughes, MSc Sustainable Energy Futures Course Director
16:25 - Drinks reception and poster discussion