Vasculitis Centre

We are excited to announce that the annual Vasculitis Investigators Meeting will be held this year! In response to the massive travel restrictions and rescheduling that has occurred due to the worldwide pandemic, we will host this meeting on a virtual online platform on Sunday, November 1, 2020, from 09:00 to 14:00 EST.

The meeting will feature presentations outlining ongoing trials and other studies by the VCRC, EUVAS, FVSG, industry partners, and other investigators, as well as updates on how these studies are moving forward during a global pandemic.

This day and time were chosen to be the most convenient for the most number of usual attendees. We clearly recognize that this will be a difficult timing for colleagues in Australasia and some other locations.

The Vasculitis Investigators Meeting has always been a great opportunity to discuss ongoing and new multi-centre research proposals. Although the meeting will be virtual we will encourage the usual pattern of questions for presenters and commentary by attendees.

All investigators actively involved in vasculitis research at your site, including trainees, are welcome to this meeting but everyone must register individually. After registration, each attendee will be provided with a personalised link to join the meeting and this will be required to enter the meeting platform.

Please do not wait until the last minute to register or you may encounter problems. If you have a project you wish to bring to this meeting, please contact

We look forward to seeing many of you online on November 1, 2020!

Registration is now closed. Add event to calendar
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