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A full guide to the Purchase to Pay (P2P) process

Welcome to the Purchase to Pay (P2P) Guided Buying website.

The Purpose of this website is to guide you through various ‘Purchase to Pay’ processes as listed below.  For each step in the process, the pages will offer full guidance, along with useful links and contacts. The website is intended to be used by all staff either directly involved in the procurement function, or who have a need for goods or services.

It is important to ensure best value for money in the procurement of goods and services for the College. In these pages, you will find guidance and information to help you find the most suitable route for your needs.

When making a purchase, it is important the College Purchasing Regulation 2.4 is followed. This regulation states that that no goods or services shall be ordered from a supplier without first raising a purchase order.  This is important as the raising of a purchase order to commission the purchase ensures that we are protected by the college’s  terms and conditions of business and avoids any delay towards payment of invoices, as well as ensuring financial approval for the purchase and budget commitment within the College’s finance systems. 

The P2P Journey will involve six steps which will set out the roles and responsibilities of all involved in the process. Click the appropriate step that you require.

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In order to help with the sourcing of common goods and services, the Purchasing Department have negotiated Preferred Supplier agreements with selected suppliers following a full competitive process to ensure value for money, which should always be the first option considered for these areas.