Events and networks to convene experts from academia, government, industry, NGOs and student and youth groups. 

The Global Development Hub events seeks to bring together representatives and practitioners from government/policymaking organisations, academia and industry to tackle sustainable development challenges.  Events provide platforms to demonstrate Imperial’s global impact on sustainable development as a world-leading STEM institution.

Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Global Development Hub Annual Lecture: In conversation with Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE Mayor of Freetown and Co-Chair of C40 spoke with Prof. Frank Kelly at the Global Development Hub Annual Lecture in September 2024.

Yvonne highlighted the challenges of rapid urbanization in Freetown, focusing on the need for sustainable planning, reforestation, and addressing the impacts of climate change and rural-urban migration. From her perspective as Co-Chair of C40 Cities, Yvonne emphasised the need for global collaboration and accountability.

Watch the full stream here: 

How collaborative innovation can upscale partnerships for an inclusive global recovery of Covid-19 and drive action on Sustainable Development Goals - ECOSOC Partnership Forum - January 2023


The UN’s ECOSOC coordinates the economic, environmental, social, and related work of the 15 United Nations specialised agencies.

As part of Imperial’s new relationship with ECOSOC, the Global Development Hub held an event with the UN Partnership Forum about upscaling partnerships during the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The panel discussion will inform key recommendations that will be presented to leaders at the UN Secretariat.

To read the full story, and watch the event recording, click here.


Increasing Access to Science Education Through Unconventional Approaches - January 2023


To celebrate the International Day of Education, Imperial’s Global Development Hub hosted a speaker panel to discuss Science Cafés – an unconventional approach to education.  

The event featured an open discussion about methods to raise awareness and engagement in science, with a special look at the role of Science Cafés.  

The full story can be read here.



Inaugural Global Development Hub Annual Lecture 2022 - Transforming Food Systems: An Agenda for Science, Policymaking & Investment - November 2022


In November 2022, Dr Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA, gave the inaugural Annual Lecture of the Global Development Hub at Imperial College London.

Dr Kalibata set-out a food systems change agenda for government, the private sector and policy makers, and underlined the role for science and technology in driving innovation and informing evidence-based food systems interventions.

You can see the full story, and watch the lecture recording here.



The Global Development Hub Launch


The Global Development Hub was officially launched on 29 April 2021 by Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Watch our official launch video below.

GDH Hub Launch

Watch the launch of the Global Development Hub

Sustainable Development Goals Events

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