Conference Presentations


DateSpeakerTalk Details
 Nov 2014 Vivian Tong

Rolls Royce Materials, Chemistry and Corrosion conference titled ‘Understanding Deformation near Grain Boundaries in Zircaloy-4 with HR-EBSD’

 Feb 2014  Dr Bo Lan TMS 2014, San Diego, USA.“Ultrasonic NDE Measurement of Texture using Forward Modelling entitled Ultrasonic wave propagation in polycrystal hexagonal materials: computational and experimental studies combined with EBSD for texture detection”,
2014 Dr Ben Britton UK EBSD
2014 Dr Ben Britton TMS
2014 Dr Ben Britton MRS Fall
Summary of the table's contents


DateSpeakerTalk Details
Nov 2015 Dr Ben Britton Dwelling on the Strain Rate Sensitivity of Industrial Titanium Alloys ? A Focus on the Detail with Micromechanics – Invited Conference talk at Fall MRS 2015, Boston USA
Sept 2015 Dr Ben Britton Micromechanical Characterisation of High Value Engineering Alloys: New Insights in Two and Three dimensions - Conference Talk at the Recent Appointees in Materials Science Conference, in Warwick Sept 2015
2015 Dr Ben Britton Stress concentrations, slip bands and grain boundaries in commercially pure titanium at the World Titanium Conference – San Diego 2015
2015 Dr Ben Britton TMS
2015 Dr Ben Britton UK EBSD
May 2015 Vivian Tong V. Tong, J. Jiang, A. J. Wilkinson, and T. B. Britton, “Quantifying accuracy of deformation measurements near grain boundaries using high resolution electron backscatter diffraction”, contributed talk at the 4th International Conference on Materials Modelling (ICMM4), May 2015
April 2015 Vivian Tong V. Tong, J. Jiang, A. J. Wilkinson, and T. B. Britton, “Quantifying accuracy of deformation measurements near grain boundaries using high resolution electron backscatter diffraction”, contributed talk at Electron Backscatter Diffraction Meeting, April 2015
August 2015  Dr Hamid Abdolvand (PDRA)  7th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-17)
July 2015 Zebang Zhang (PhD Student)  9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Madrid, Spain, "Investigation of creep and load shedding in polycrystalline titanium alloys using discrete dislocation and crystal plasticity models"
May 2015 Zebang Zhang (PhD Student) 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, US. "Discrete dislocation and crystal plasticity analyses of load shedding in polycrystalline titanium alloys"
May_2015 Dr Terry Jun (PDRA) 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, US. A study of local deformation mechanism in two-phase Ti alloys using micromechanical testing and CPFE modelling.
May 2015 Dr Zhen Zhang (PDRA) 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, US. Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Textured HCP Metals.
May 2015 Dr Tom White (PDRA) 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, US.

Progress Towards the Study of Grain-Level Adiabatic Shear Localisation in Titanium Alloys at High Strain-Rates

May 2015 Dr Hamid Abdolvand (PDRA) 4th International Conference on Material Modeling, Berkeley, US.

Investigation of Localized Deformation in Twins and the Surrounding Neighbourhoods

March 2015 Dr Hamid Abdolvand (PDRA)

TMS Annual meeting 2015:

Abdolvand. H.*, Wilkinson, A., “Application of High Resolution Electron BackScatter Diffraction Technique in  Measuring Local Elastic Strains”, TMS Annual Meeting, 2015, Symposium: Integrative Materials Design II:  Performance and Sustainability, Florida, USA.

Abdolvand, H.*, Wilkinson, A., Daymond, M., Oddershede, J., “Study of Stress State inside Twin and Parent  Grains at Various Length Scales”, TMS Annual Meeting, 2015, Florida, USA.

May 2015 Prof Mike Lowe

4th International Conference on Material Modeling, USA, May 2015

 Nov 2015 Prof Mike Lowe

Acoustical Society of America, USA, Nov 2015

May 2015 Dr Bo Lan

ICMM4 May 2015

2015 Dr Bo Lan


Summary of the table's contents


DateSpeakerTalk Details
Feb 2016
Dr Ben Britton Exploring the world with high angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD) – Invited Seminar - Cambridge Electron Microscopy Group – Feb 2016
2016 Dr Ben Britton US EBSD
2016 Dr Ben Britton UK EBSD
2016 Dr Ben Britton TMS
2016 Dr Ben Britton MRD Fall
March 2016 Vivian Tong “Grain Growth in Zircaloy-4”, contributed talk at Electron Backscatter Diffraction Meeting, March 2016
March 2016 Vivian Tong “Grain Growth in Zircaloy-4”, contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Jack Patten “High Resolution Strain and Temperature Imaging of Adiabatic Shear Bands at High Rates“, contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Bo Lan “Texture determination from ultrasonic wave speeds for HCP and cubic materials“, contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Angus Wilkinson “Investigation of Bauschinger effect at small length scales using new micro mechanical test geometry“, contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Yi Guo “Slip-band grain-boundary interactions in titanium“, contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Jicheng Gong "Ultra Small Scale High Cycle Fatigue Testing by Micro-cantilevers", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Tea-Sung Jun "Strain rate sensitivity of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-xMo –micromechanical comparison between slip systems and alloys: Part 1 - Experiments", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Zhen Zhang "Strain rate sensitivity of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-xMo –micromechanical comparison between slip systems and alloys: Part 2 - Simulations", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Mitchell Cuddihy "Investigations into the effects of multiaxial stress states in cold dwell fatigue", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Zebang Zheng "Discrete dislocation and crystal plasticity analyses of load shedding in polycrystalline titanium alloys", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Hamidreza Abdolvand "Assessment of stress fields at deformation twin tips and the surrounding environments", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Conner Gillen "Development of a Novel Experimental Rig for Testing of Iodine-induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Zirconium Alloys", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016  David Lunt "Strain localisation behaviour in Ti-6Al-4V with a bi-modal microstructure"
March 2016
Sudha Joseph "Investigation of hot salt stress corrosion in Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo", contributed talk at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016
Abigail Ackerman "Secondary alpha in Ti6246s", Poster presentation at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Jack Patten "High Speed Active Surface Temperature Imaging System, and its Integration with a Stereoscopic Digital Imaging Correlation Apparatus", Poster presentation at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Rhys Thomas "High resolution strain mapping of hydrides in zirconium alloy", Poster presentation at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
March 2016 Tea-Sung Jun "In-situ micropillar compression and HR-EBSD studies of morphological effects in a dual-phase Ti alloy", Winner of Poster presentation at International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, March 2016
2016 Dr Bo Lan   Quantitative NDE conference 


DateSpeakerTalk Details
2017 Dr Ben Britton FEMMS 2017
2017 Dr Ben Britton ICOTOM
2017 Dr Ben Britton UK EBSD
2017 Dr Ben Britton TMS
2017 Dr Ben Britton Hydrogen in Metals at the Royal Society
June 2017 Prof Mike Lowe Acoustical Society of America, USA, June 2017
June 2017 Prof Mike Lowe Workshop in honour of retiring physicist, Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique, Marseilles, June 2017
Sep 2017 Prof Mike Lowe Institute of Physics Tutorial Day, Birmingham, September 2017
Dec 2017 Prof Mike Lowe Acoustical Society of America, USA, Dec 2017
2017 Dr Bo Lan Quantitative NDE conference 
2017 Dr Bo Lan TMS


DateSpeakerTalk Details
2018 Dr Ben Britton WCCM19
2018 Dr Ben Britton Israeli Meeting on Nanoscale Crystallography
2018 Dr Ben Britton TMS
2018 Dr Ben Britton UK EBSD
2018 Dr Bo Lan Quantitative NDE conference 


If you are interested in joining the HexMat Programme, please contact Dr Saira Naeem