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  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim L, Nogima H, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Ivanov T, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Guo Q, Javaid T, Mittal M, Yuan L, Bauer G, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Monti F, Shahzad MA, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Lu N, Gao X, Leggat D, Okawa H, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C Bet al., 2024,

    Search for Narrow Trijet Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV.

    , Phys Rev Lett, Vol: 133

    The first search for singly produced narrow resonances decaying to three well-separated hadronic jets is presented. The search uses proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138  fb^{-1} at sqrt[s]=13  TeV, collected at the CERN LHC. No significant deviations from the background predictions are observed between 1.75 and 9.00 TeV. The results provide the first mass limits on a right-handed boson Z_{R} decaying to three gluons and on an excited quark decaying via a vector boson to three quarks, as well as updated limits on a Kaluza-Klein gluon decaying via a radion to three gluons.

  • Journal article
    Cms Collaboration T, 2024,

    Test of lepton flavor universality inB±→K±μ+μ-andB±→K±e+e-decays in proton-proton collisions ats=13TeV.

    , Rep Prog Phys, Vol: 87

    A test of lepton flavor universality inB±→K±μ+μ-andB±→K±e+e-decays, as well as a measurement of differential and integrated branching fractions of a nonresonantB±→K±μ+μ-decay are presented. The analysis is made possible by a dedicated data set of proton-proton collisions ats=13TeVrecorded in 2018, by the CMS experiment at the LHC, using a special high-rate data stream designed for collecting about 10 billion unbiased b hadron decays. The ratio of the branching fractionsB(B±→K±μ+μ-)toB(B±→K±e+e-)is determined from the measured double ratioR(K)of these decays to the respective branching fractions of theB±→J/ψK±withJ/ψ→μ+μ-ande+e-decays, which allow for significant cancellation of systematic uncertainties. The ratioR(K)is measured in the range1.1<q2<6.0GeV2, whereqis the invariant mass of the lepton pair, and is found to beR(K)=0.78-0.23+0.47, in agreement with the standard model expectationR(K)≈1. This measurement is limited by the statistical precision of the electron channel. The integrated branching fraction in the sameq2range,B(B±→K±μ+μ-)=(12.42±0.68)×10-8, is consistent with the present world-average value and has a comparable precision.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim Let al., 2024,

    Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons decaying in the CMS muon detectors in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2470-0010

    A search for heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) decaying in the CMS muon system is presented. A data sample is used corresponding to an integrated luminosity of Formula Presented of proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented, recorded at the CERN LHC in 2016-2018. Decay products of long-lived HNLs could interact with the shielding materials in the CMS muon system and create hadronic and electromagnetic showers detected in the muon chambers. This distinctive signature provides a unique handle to search for HNLs with masses below 4 GeV and proper decay lengths of the order of meters. The signature is sensitive to HNL couplings to all three generations of leptons. Candidate events are required to contain a prompt electron or muon originating from a vertex on the beam axis and a displaced shower in the muon chambers. No significant deviations from the standard model background expectation are observed. In the electron (muon) channel, the most stringent limits to date are set for HNLs in the mass range of 2.1-3.0 (1.9-3.3) GeV, reaching mixing matrix element squared values as low as Formula Presented.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Macedo Met al., 2024,

    Observation of the Formula Presented decay and studies of the Formula Presented baryon in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2470-0010

    The first observation of the decay Formula Presented and measurement of the branching ratio of Formula Presented to Formula Presented are presented. The Formula Presented and Formula Presented mesons are reconstructed using their dimuon decay modes. The results are based on proton-proton colliding beam data from the LHC collected by the CMS experiment at Formula Presented in 2016-2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of Formula Presented. The branching fraction ratio is measured to be Formula Presented, where the last uncertainty comes from the uncertainties in the branching fractions of the charmonium states. New measurements of the Formula Presented baryon mass and natural width are also presented, using the Formula Presented final state, where the Formula Presented baryon is reconstructed through the decays Formula Presented, Formula Presented, Formula Presented, and Formula Presented. Finally, the fraction of Formula Presented baryons produced from Formula Presented decays is determined.

  • Journal article
    Acero MA, Acharya B, Adamson P, Anfimov N, Antoshkin A, Arrieta-Diaz E, Asquith L, Aurisano A, Back A, Balashov N, Baldi P, Bambah BA, Bat A, Bays K, Bernstein R, Bezerra TJC, Bhatnagar V, Bhattarai D, Bhuyan B, Bian J, Booth AC, Bowles R, Brahma B, Bromberg C, Buchanan N, Butkevich A, Calvez S, Carroll TJ, Catano-Mur E, Cesar JP, Chatla A, Chaudhary S, Chirco R, Choudhary BC, Christensen A, Coan TE, Cooleybeck A, Cremonesi L, Davies GS, Derwent PF, Ding P, Djurcic Z, Dolce M, Doyle D, Dueñas Tonguino D, Dukes EC, Dye A, Ehrlich R, Elkins M, Ewart E, Filip P, Franc J, Frank MJ, Gallagher HR, Gao F, Giri A, Gomes RA, Goodman MC, Groh M, Group R, Habig A, Hakl F, Hartnell J, Hatcher R, He M, Heller K, Hewes V, Himmel A, Jargowsky B, Jarosz J, Jediny F, Johnson C, Judah M, Kakorin I, Kaplan DM, Kalitkina A, Kleykamp J, Klimov O, Koerner LW, Kolupaeva L, Kralik R, Kumar A, Kuruppu CD, Kus V, Lackey T, Lang K, Lasorak P, Lesmeister J, Lister A, Liu J, Lock JA, Lokajicek M, Macmahon M, Magill S, Mann WA, Manoharan MT, Manrique Plata M, Marshak ML, Martinez-Casales M, Matveev Vet al., 2024,

    Expanding neutrino oscillation parameter measurements in NOvA using a Bayesian approach

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2470-0010

    NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that measures oscillations in charged-current νμ→νμ (disappearance) and νμ→νe (appearance) channels, and their antineutrino counterparts, using neutrinos of energies around 2 GeV over a distance of 810 km. In this work we reanalyze the dataset first examined in our previous paper [Phys. Rev. D 106, 032004 (2022)PRVDAQ2470-001010.1103/PhysRevD.106.032004] using an alternative statistical approach based on Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo. We measure oscillation parameters consistent with the previous results. We also extend our inferences to include the first NOvA measurements of the reactor mixing angle θ13, where we find 0.071≤sin22θ13≤0.107, and the Jarlskog invariant, where we observe no significant preference for the CP-conserving value J=0 over values favoring CP violation. We use these results to examine the effects of constraints from short-baseline measurements of θ13 using antineutrinos from nuclear reactors when making NOvA measurements of θ23. Our long-baseline measurement of θ13 is shown to be consistent with the reactor measurements, supporting the general applicability and robustness of the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata framework for neutrino oscillations.

  • Journal article
    Rossi R, Andreazza A, Bauce M, Carbone A, DAuria S, Garattini M, Hall G, Lari T, Mereghetti A, Pesaresi M, Pullia M, Valente P, Variola A, Zanzottera R, Scandale Wet al., 2024,

    Crystal channeling investigations at medical synchrotron regimes

    , European Physical Journal Plus, Vol: 139

    An experimental setup to investigate ion channeling in the hundreds MeV/u energy range is described. A short bent crystal, aligned to the incoming beam by an angular actuator, should deflect ions into a single plane pixel detector used to identify channeled and unchanneled particles. In order to enhance the footprint of channeling on the recorded signals, the incoming particle emittance is tailored on the crystalline plane acceptance by means of massive collimators. Numerical simulations of low energy carbon ions are performed with FLUKA to fully understand the measurement conditions demonstrate the feasibility of the test, to be performed in the experimental room of the National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy accelerator complex in Pavia, Italy.

  • Journal article
    Aaij R, Abdelmotteleb ASW, Beteta CA, Abudinén F, Ackernley T, Adams JA, Adefisoye AA, Adeva B, Adinolfi M, Adlarson P, Agapopoulou C, Aidala CA, Ajaltouni Z, Akar S, Akiba K, Albicocco P, Albrecht J, Alessio F, Alexander M, Aliouche Z, Alvarez Cartelle P, Amalric R, Amato S, Amey JL, Amhis Y, An L, Anderlini L, Andersson M, Andreianov A, Andreola P, Andreotti M, Andreou D, Anelli A, Ao D, Archilli F, Argenton M, Arguedas Cuendis S, Artamonov A, Artuso M, Aslanides E, Atzeni M, Audurier B, Bacher D, Bachiller Perea I, Bachmann S, Bachmayer M, Back JJ, Baladron Rodriguez P, Balagura V, Baldini W, Bao H, Baptista de Souza Leite J, Barbetti M, Barbosa IR, Barlow RJ, Barnyakov M, Barsuk S, Barter W, Bartolini M, Bartz J, Baryshnikov F, Basels JM, Bassi G, Batsukh B, Bay A, Beck A, Becker M, Bedeschi F, Bediaga IB, Belin S, Bellee V, Belous K, Belov I, Belyaev I, Benane G, Bencivenni G, Ben-Haim E, Berezhnoy A, Bernet R, Bernet Andres S, Bertolin A, Betancourt C, Betti F, Bex J, Bezshyiko I, Bhom J, Bieker MS, Biesuz NV, Billoir P, Biolchini A, Birch M, Bishop FCR, Bitadze A, Bizzeti A, Blake T, Blanc F, Blank JE, Blusk S, Bocharnikov V, Boelhauve JAet al., 2024,

    Tracking of charged particles with nanosecond lifetimes at LHCb

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 84, ISSN: 1434-6044

    A method is presented to reconstruct charged particles with lifetimes between 10ps and 10ns, which considers a combination of their decay products and the partial tracks created by the initial charged particle. Using the Ξ- baryon as a benchmark, the method is demonstrated with simulated events and proton-proton collision data at s=13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.0fb-1 collected with the LHCb detector in 2018. Significant improvements in the angular resolution and the signal purity are obtained. The method is implemented as part of the LHCb Run 3 event trigger in a set of requirements to select detached hyperons. This is the first demonstration of the applicability of this approach at the LHC, and the first to show its scaling with instantaneous luminosity.

  • Journal article
    Bhattacharya A, Habib MR, Ahmed A, Satpati B, Duttagupta S, Dasgupta I, Das Iet al., 2024,

    Spin-valve-like magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect in magnetic Weyl metal Mn2 PdSn

    , Physical Review B, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2469-9950

    Realization of noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl metals is expected to exhibit anomalous transport properties stemming from the interplay of unusual bulk electronic topology and magnetism. Here, we present spin-valve-like magnetoresistance at room temperature in ferrimagnetic Weyl metal Mn2PdSn that crystallizes in the inverse Heusler structure. Anomalous magnetoresistance displays dominant asymmetric component attributed to domain wall electron scattering, indicative of spin-valve-like behavior. Ab initio calculations confirm the topologically nontrivial nature of the band structure, with Weyl nodes proximate to Fermi energy, providing deeper insights into the observed intrinsic Berry curvature mediated substantial anomalous Hall conductivity. Our results underscore the inverse Heusler compounds as promising platform to realize magnetic Weyl metals/semimetals and leverage emergent transport properties for electronic functionalities.

  • Journal article
    Kashiwagi Y, Abe K, Bronner C, Hayato Y, Hiraide K, Hosokawa K, Ieki K, Ikeda M, Kameda J, Kanemura Y, Kaneshima R, Kataoka Y, Miki S, Mine S, Miura M, Moriyama S, Nakano Y, Nakahata M, Nakayama S, Noguchi Y, Sato K, Sekiya H, Shiba H, Shimizu K, Shiozawa M, Sonoda Y, Suzuki Y, Takeda A, Takemoto Y, Tanaka H, Yano T, Han S, Kajita T, Okumura K, Tashiro T, Tomiya T, Wang X, Yoshida S, Fernandez P, Labarga L, Ospina N, Zaldivar B, Pointon BW, Kearns E, Raaf JL, Wan L, Wester T, Bian J, Griskevich NJ, Locke S, Smy MB, Sobel HW, Takhistov V, Yankelevich A, Hill J, Jang MC, Lee SH, Moon DH, Park RG, Bodur B, Scholberg K, Walter CW, Beauchêne A, Drapier O, Giampaolo A, Mueller TA, Santos AD, Paganini P, Quilain B, Rogly R, Nakamura T, Jang JS, Machado LN, Learned JG, Choi K, Iovine N, Cao S, Anthony LHV, Martin D, Prouse NW, Scott M, Sztuc AA, Uchida Y, Berardi V, Catanesi MG, Radicioni E, Calabria NF, Langella A, De Rosa G, Collazuol G, Iacob F, Mattiazzi M, Ludovici L, Gonin M, Périssé L, Pronost G, Fujisawa C, Maekawa Y, Nishimura Y, Okazaki Ret al., 2024,

    Performance of SK-Gd’s Upgraded Real-time Supernova Monitoring System

    , Astrophysical Journal, Vol: 970, ISSN: 0004-637X

    Among multimessenger observations of the next Galactic core-collapse supernova, Super-Kamiokande (SK) plays a critical role in detecting the emitted supernova neutrinos, determining the direction to the supernova (SN), and notifying the astronomical community of these observations in advance of the optical signal. In 2022, SK has increased the gadolinium dissolved in its water target (SK-Gd) and has achieved a Gd concentration of 0.033%, resulting in enhanced neutron detection capability, which in turn enables more accurate determination of the supernova direction. Accordingly, SK-Gd’s real-time supernova monitoring system has been upgraded. SK_SN Notice, a warning system that works together with this monitoring system, was released on 2021 December 13, and is available through GCN Notices. When the monitoring system detects an SN-like burst of events, SK_SN Notice will automatically distribute an alarm with the reconstructed direction to the supernova candidate within a few minutes. In this paper, we present a systematic study of SK-Gd’s response to a simulated Galactic SN. Assuming a supernova situated at 10 kpc, neutrino fluxes from six supernova models are used to characterize SK-Gd’s pointing accuracy using the same tools as the online monitoring system. The pointing accuracy is found to vary from 3° to 7° depending on the models. However, if the supernova is closer than 10 kpc, SK_SN Notice can issue an alarm with three-degree accuracy, which will benefit follow-up observations by optical telescopes with large fields of view.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Breugelmans N, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Heyen F, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Gokbulut G, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Marckx D, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, De Favereau De Jeneret J, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Guzel AO, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Vilela Pereira A, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato Jet al., 2024,

    Search for dark QCD with emerging jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2024

    A search for “emerging jets” produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is performed using data collected by the CMS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. This search examines a hypothetical dark quantum chromodynamics (QCD) sector that couples to the standard model (SM) through a scalar mediator. The scalar mediator decays into an SM quark and a dark sector quark. As the dark sector quark showers and hadronizes, it produces long-lived dark mesons that subsequently decay into SM particles, resulting in a jet, known as an emerging jet, with multiple displaced vertices. This search looks for pair production of the scalar mediator at the LHC, which yields events with two SM jets and two emerging jets at leading order. The results are interpreted using two dark sector models with different flavor structures, and exclude mediator masses up to 1950 (1950) GeV for an unflavored (flavor-aligned) dark QCD model. The unflavored results surpass a previous search for emerging jets by setting the most stringent mediator mass exclusion limits to date, while the flavor-aligned results provide the first direct mediator mass exclusion limits to date.

  • Journal article
    Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Lechner L, Liko D, Mikulec I, Paulitsch P, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Kello T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Morton A, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Dansana S, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Makarenko I, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, Dobur D, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Tytgat M, Van Den Bossche N, Vermassen B, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Bury F, Caputo C, David P, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Mondal K, Taliercio A, Tran TT, Vischia P, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Dos Santos Sousa V, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins Jet al., 2024,

    Search for a scalar or pseudoscalar dilepton resonance produced in association with a massive vector boson or top quark-antiquark ffiffi pair in multilepton events at ps=13 TeV

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2470-0010

    A search for beyond the standard model spin-0 bosons, ϕ, that decay into pairs of electrons, muons, or tau leptons is presented. The search targets the associated production of such bosons with a W or Z gauge boson, or a top quark-antiquark pair, and uses events with three or four charged leptons, including hadronically decaying tau leptons. The proton-proton collision data set used in the analysis was collected at the LHC from 2016 to 2018 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. The observations are consistent with the predictions from standard model processes. Upper limits are placed on the product of cross sections and branching fractions of such new particles over the mass range of 15 to 350 GeV with scalar, pseudoscalar, or Higgs-boson-like couplings, as well as on the product of coupling parameters and branching fractions. Several model-dependent exclusion limits are also presented. For a Higgs-boson-like ϕ model, limits are set on the mixing angle of the Higgs boson with the ϕ boson. For the associated production of a ϕ boson with a top quark-antiquark pair, limits are set on the coupling to top quarks. Finally, limits are set for the first time on a fermiophilic dilaton-like model with scalar couplings and a fermiophilic axion-like model with pseudoscalar couplings.

  • Journal article
    Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Lechner L, Liko D, Mikulec I, Paulitsch P, Pitters FM, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Kello T, Rejeb Sfar H, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Moortgat S, Morton A, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Makarenko I, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, Dobur D, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Niedziela M, Rendón C, Roskas C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Tytgat M, Van Den Bossche N, Vermassen B, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Bury F, Caputo C, David P, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Mondal K, Taliercio A, Tran TT, Vischia P, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao Det al., 2024,

    Search for high-mass exclusive diphoton production with tagged protons in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 110, ISSN: 2470-0010

    A search is presented for high-mass exclusive diphoton production via photon-photon fusion in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented in events where both protons survive the interaction. The analysis utilizes data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of Formula Presented collected in 2016-2018 with the central CMS detector and the CMS and TOTEM precision proton spectrometer (PPS). Events that have two photons with high transverse momenta (Formula Presented), back-to-back in azimuth, and with a large diphoton invariant mass (Formula Presented) are selected. To remove the dominant inclusive diphoton backgrounds, the kinematic properties of the protons detected in PPS are required to match those of the central diphoton system. Only events having opposite-side forward protons detected with a fractional momentum loss between 0.035 and 0.15 (0.18) for the detectors on the negative (positive) side of CMS are considered. One exclusive diphoton candidate is observed for an expected background of 1.1 events. Limits at 95% confidence level are derived for the four-photon anomalous coupling parameters Formula Presented and Formula Presented, using an effective field theory. Additionally, upper limits are placed on the production of axionlike particles with coupling strength to photons Formula Presented that varies from Formula Presented to Formula Presented over the mass range from 500 to 2000 GeV.

  • Journal article
    CMS Collaboration, 2024,

    Search for ZZ and ZH production in the bbb¯ b final state using ¯proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

    , European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Vol: 84, ISSN: 1434-6052

    A search for ZZ and ZH production in the bbb¯ b¯final state is presented, where H is the standard model (SM)Higgs boson. The search uses an event sample of proton-proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosityof 133 fb−1 collected at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeVwith the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The analysis introduces several novel techniques for deriving and validating amulti-dimensional background model based on control samples in data. A multiclass multivariate classifier customizedfor the bbb¯ b final state is developed to derive the background ¯model and extract the signal. The data are found to be consistent, within uncertainties, with the SM predictions. Theobserved (expected) upper limits at 95% confidence level arefound to be 3.8 (3.8) and 5.0 (2.9) times the SM predictionfor the ZZ and ZH production cross sections, respectively.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim L, Nogima H, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Guo Q, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Leggat D, Okawa H, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Caet al., 2024,

    Combination of Measurements of the Top Quark Mass from Data Collected by the ATLAS and CMS Experiments at sqrt[s]=7 and 8 TeV.

    , Phys Rev Lett, Vol: 132

    A combination of fifteen top quark mass measurements performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is presented. The datasets used correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to 5 and 20  fb^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. The combination includes measurements in top quark pair events that exploit both the semileptonic and hadronic decays of the top quark, and a measurement using events enriched in single top quark production via the electroweak t channel. The combination accounts for the correlations between measurements and achieves an improvement in the total uncertainty of 31% relative to the most precise input measurement. The result is m_{t}=172.52±0.14(stat)±0.30(syst)  GeV, with a total uncertainty of 0.33 GeV.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Breugelmans N, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Heyen F, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Gokbulut G, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Marckx D, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, De Favereau De Jeneret J, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Guzel AO, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Vilela Pereira A, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Macedo M, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Fernandez Perez Tomei TR, Gregores EM, Maietto Silverio I, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liang Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Zhao J, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Deng S, Guo B, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian Set al., 2024,

    Search for long-lived heavy neutrinos in the decays of B mesons produced in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2024

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>A search for long-lived heavy neutrinos (N) in the decays of B mesons produced in proton-proton collisions at <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \sqrt{s} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msqrt> <mml:mi>s</mml:mi> </mml:msqrt> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> = 13 TeV is presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 41.6 fb<jats:sup><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>1</jats:sup> collected in 2018 by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, using a dedicated data stream that enhances the number of recorded events containing B mesons. The search probes heavy neutrinos with masses in the range 1 &lt; <jats:italic>m</jats:italic><jats:sub>N</jats:sub> &lt; 3 GeV and decay lengths in the range 10<jats:sup><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>2</jats:sup> &lt; <jats:italic>c</jats:italic>τ<jats:sub>N</jats:sub> &lt; 10<jats:sup>4</jats:sup> mm, where τ<jats:sub>N</jats:sub> is the N proper mean lifetime. Signal events are defined by the signature B → <jats:italic>ℓ</jats:italic><jats:sub>B</jats:sub>NX; N → <jats:italic>ℓ</jats:italic><jats:sup><jats:italic>±</jats:italic></jats:sup>π<jats:sup>∓</jats:sup>, where the leptons <jats:italic>ℓ</jats:italic><jats:sub>B</jats:sub> and <jats:italic>ℓ</jats:italic> can be either a muon or an electron, provided that at least one of them is a muon. The hadronic recoil system, X, is treated inclusively an

  • Journal article
    Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Lechner L, Liko D, Mikulec I, Paulitsch P, Pitters FM, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Kello T, Rejeb Sfar H, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Moortgat S, Morton A, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Makarenko I, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Starling E, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, Dobur D, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Niedziela M, Rendón C, Roskas C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Tytgat M, Van Den Bossche N, Vermassen B, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Bury F, Caputo C, David P, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Mondal K, Prisciandaro J, Taliercio A, Tran TT, Vischia P, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Dos Santos Sousa V, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim L, Nogima H, Santoro A, Silva Do Amaral SM, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Torres Da Silva De Araujo F, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Fernandez Perez Tomei TR, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Rodozov M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Ivanov T, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Cheng T, Javaid T, Mittal M, Yuan L, Ahmad M, Bauer G, Hu Z, Lezki S, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Milosevic V, Monti F, Sharma R, Tao J, Thomas-Wilsker J, Wang J, Zhang H, Zhao J, Agapitos A, An Y, Ban Y, Chen C, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Lyu Xet al., 2024,

    Search for central exclusive production of top quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV with tagged protons

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2024

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>A search for the central exclusive production of top quark-antiquark pairs (<jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \textrm{t}\overline{\textrm{t}} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mover> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mo>¯</mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>) is performed for the first time using proton-tagged events in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 29.4 fb<jats:sup><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>1</jats:sup>. The <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \textrm{t}\overline{\textrm{t}} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mover> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mo>¯</mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> decay products are reconstructed using the central CMS detector, while forward protons are measured in the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer. An observed (expected) upper bound on the production cross section of 0.59 (1.14) pb is set at 95% confidence level, for collisions of protons with fractional momentum losses between 2 and 20%.</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Chatterjee S, Das I, 2024,

    Structural, magnetic, magnetocaloric behavior and magneto-transport, electrical polarization study in 3d based bulk and nano-crystalline multiferroic double perovskite Dy2MnCoO6.

    , J Phys Condens Matter, Vol: 36

    In this paper, we report a detailed investigation of the crystal structure, magnetic, magnetocaloric, magneto-transport and electrical polarization properties of a new multiferroic material in the polycrystalline and nanocrystalline form of the Dy2MnCoO6double perovskite. Both compounds crystallized in the monoclinic structure with P21/n space group. The magnetic properties of both systems are mainly dominant ferromagnetic (FM) and weak antiferromagnetic (AFM). The FM/AFM coupling is related by the competing and combining functions of the radius and the magnetic moments of rare earth ions (i.e. 3d-4f exchange interactions). The reduction of the saturation magnetization in the isothermal magnetization curves can be explained by the existence of anti-phase boundaries and local anti-site defects in the system. Moreover, these materials hold reasonable values of magnetocaloric parameters and the absence of hysteresis makes the system a potential candidate for magnetic refrigeration. These compounds revealed two magnetic phase transitions, according to the appearance of two peaks in the temperature dependence of magnetic entropy change curves. The temperature dependent resistivity data for both the systems display semiconductor nature near room temperature and insulating like behavior at low temperature regime. The variable-range hopping conduction mechanism is used to best understand their transport mechanism. In addition, the electrical polarization loop at low temperature confirms the presence of ferroelectricity for both the studied systems. The decreases polarization under an external magnetic field evidence the weak magnetoelectric coupling. The coexistence of FM ordering with insulating behavior and ferroelectricity at low temperature promises new opportunities and improvements in next generation applications for information storage, spintronic, and sensors.

  • Journal article
    , 2024,

    Extracting the speed of sound in quark-gluon plasma with ultrarelativistic lead-lead collisions at the LHC.

    , Rep Prog Phys, Vol: 87

    Ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions create a strongly interacting state of hot and dense quark-gluon matter that exhibits a remarkable collective flow behavior with minimal viscous dissipation. To gain deeper insights into its intrinsic nature and fundamental degrees of freedom, we determine the speed of sound in an extended volume of quark-gluon plasma using lead-lead (PbPb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV. The data were recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 0.607 nb-1. The measurement is performed by studying the multiplicity dependence of the average transverse momentum of charged particles emitted in head-on PbPb collisions. Our findings reveal that the speed of sound in this matter is nearly half the speed of light, with a squared value of0.241±0.002(stat)±0.016(syst)in natural units. The effective medium temperature, estimated using the mean transverse momentum, is219±8(syst)MeV. The measured squared speed of sound at this temperature aligns precisely with predictions from lattice quantum chromodynamic (QCD) calculations. This result provides a stringent constraint on the equation of state of the created medium and direct evidence for a deconfined QCD phase being attained in relativistic nuclear collisions.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan AA, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, Breugelmans N, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Heyen F, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Vilela Pereira A, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Macedo M, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Fernandez Perez Tomei TR, Gregores EM, Maietto Silverio I, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liang Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian S, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhou C, You Z, Jaffelet al., 2024,

    Search for heavy neutral leptons in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2024

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>A search for heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) of Majorana or Dirac type using proton-proton collision data at <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \sqrt{s} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msqrt> <mml:mi>s</mml:mi> </mml:msqrt> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> = 13 TeV is presented. The data were collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb<jats:sup><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>1</jats:sup>. Events with three charged leptons (electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons) are selected, corresponding to HNL production in association with a charged lepton and decay of the HNL to two charged leptons and a standard model (SM) neutrino. The search is performed for HNL masses between 10 GeV and 1.5 TeV. No evidence for an HNL signal is observed in data. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are found for the squared coupling strength of the HNL to SM neutrinos, considering exclusive coupling of the HNL to a single SM neutrino generation, for both Majorana and Dirac HNLs. The limits exceed previously achieved experimental constraints for a wide range of HNL masses, and the limits on tau neutrino coupling scenarios with HNL masses above the W boson mass are presented for the first time.</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Aaij R, Abdelmotteleb ASW, Abellan Beteta C, Abudinén F, Ackernley T, Adeva B, Adinolfi M, Adlarson P, Agapopoulou C, Aidala CA, Ajaltouni Z, Akar S, Akiba K, Albicocco P, Albrecht J, Alessio F, Alexander M, Alfonso Albero A, Aliouche Z, Alvarez Cartelle P, Amalric R, Amato S, Amey JL, Amhis Y, An L, Anderlini L, Andersson M, Andreianov A, Andreola P, Andreotti M, Andreou D, Anelli AA, Ao D, Archilli F, Argenton M, Arguedas Cuendis S, Artamonov A, Artuso M, Aslanides E, Atzeni M, Audurier B, Bacher D, Bachiller Perea I, Bachmann S, Bachmayer M, Back JJ, Bailly-Reyre A, Baladron Rodriguez P, Balagura V, Baldini W, Baptista de Souza Leite J, Barbetti M, Barbosa IR, Barlow RJ, Barsuk S, Barter W, Bartolini M, Baryshnikov F, Basels JM, Bassi G, Batsukh B, Battig A, Bay A, Beck A, Becker M, Bedeschi F, Bediaga IB, Beiter A, Belin S, Bellee V, Belous K, Belov I, Belyaev I, Benane G, Bencivenni G, Ben-Haim E, Berezhnoy A, Bernet R, Bernet Andres S, Bernstein HC, Bertella C, Bertolin A, Betancourt C, Betti F, Bex J, Bezshyiko I, Bhom J, Bieker MS, Biesuz NV, Billoir P, Biolchini A, Birch M, Bishop FCR, Bitadze A, Bizzeti A, Blago MP, Blake T, Blanc F, Blank JE, Blusk S, Bobulska D, Bocharnikov V, Boelhauve JA, Boente Garcia O, Boettcher T, Bohare A, Boldyrev A, Bolognani CS, Bolzonella R, Bondar N, Borgato F, Borghi S, Borsato M, Borsuk JT, Bouchiba SA, Bowcock TJV, Boyer A, Bozzi C, Bradley MJ, Braun S, Brea Rodriguez A, Breer N, Brodzicka J, Brossa Gonzalo A, Brown J, Brundu D, Buonaura A, Buonincontri L, Burke AT, Burr C, Bursche A, Butkevich A, Butter JS, Buytaert J, Byczynski W, Cadeddu S, Cai H, Calabrese R, Calefice L, Cali S, Calvi M, Calvo Gomez M, Cambon Bouzas J, Campana P, Campora Perez DH, Campoverde Quezada AF, Capelli S, Capriotti L, Caravaca-Mora RC, Carbone A, Carcedo Salgado L, Cardinale R, Cardini A, Carniti P, Carus L, Casais Vidal A, Caspary R, Casse G, Castro Godinez J, Cattaneo M, Cavallero G, Cavallini V, Celani S, Cerasoli J, Cervenkov D, Cesare Set al., 2024,

    Modification of χ_{c1}(3872) and ψ(2S) Production in pPb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=8.16  TeV.

    , Phys Rev Lett, Vol: 132

    The LHCb Collaboration measures production of the exotic hadron χ_{c1}(3872) in proton-nucleus collisions for the first time. Comparison with the charmonium state ψ(2S) suggests that the exotic χ_{c1}(3872) experiences different dynamics in the nuclear medium than conventional hadrons, and comparison with data from proton-proton collisions indicates that the presence of the nucleus may modify χ_{c1}(3872) production rates. This is the first measurement of the nuclear modification factor of an exotic hadron.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, D'Hondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Jaffel K, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabrera A, Florezet al., 2024,

    Search for Baryon Number Violation in Top Quark Production and Decay Using Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV.

    , Phys Rev Lett, Vol: 132

    A search is presented for baryon number violating interactions in top quark production and decay. The analysis uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 138  fb^{-1}. Candidate events are selected by requiring two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and exactly one jet identified as originating from a bottom quark. Multivariate discriminants are used to separate the signal from the background. No significant deviation from the standard model prediction is observed. Upper limits are placed on the strength of baryon number violating couplings. For the first time the production of single top quarks via baryon number violating interactions is studied. This allows the search to set the most stringent constraints to date on the branching fraction of the top quark decay to a lepton, an up-type quark (u or c), and a down-type quark (d, s, or b). The results improve the previous bounds by 3 to 6 orders of magnitude based on the fermion flavor combination of the baryon number violating interactions.

  • Journal article
    Abe K, Bronner C, Hayato Y, Hiraide K, Hosokawa K, Ieki K, Ikeda M, Kameda J, Kanemura Y, Kaneshima R, Kashiwagi Y, Kataoka Y, Miki S, Mine S, Miura M, Moriyama S, Nakano Y, Nakahata M, Nakayama S, Noguchi Y, Sato K, Sekiya H, Shiba H, Shimizu K, Shiozawa M, Sonoda Y, Suzuki Y, Takeda A, Takemoto Y, Tanaka H, Yano T, Han S, Kajita T, Okumura K, Tashiro T, Tomiya T, Wang X, Yoshida S, Fernandez P, Labarga L, Ospina N, Zaldivar B, Pointon BW, Kearns E, Raaf JL, Wan L, Wester T, Bian J, Griskevich NJ, Locke S, Smy MB, Sobel HW, Takhistov V, Yankelevich A, Hill J, Lee SH, Moon DH, Park RG, Jang MC, Bodur B, Scholberg K, Walter CW, Beauchêne A, Drapier O, Giampaolo A, Mueller TA, Santos AD, Paganini P, Quilain B, Nakamura T, Jang JS, Machado LN, Learned JG, Choi K, Iovine N, Cao S, Anthony LHV, Martin D, Prouse NW, Scott M, Sztuc AA, Uchida Y, Berardi V, Catanesi MG, Radicioni E, Calabria NF, Langella A, De Rosa G, Collazuol G, Iacob F, Mattiazzi M, Ludovici L, Gonin M, Pronost G, Fujisawa C, Maekawa Y, Nishimura Y, Okazaki R, Akutsu R, Friend M, Hasegawa T, Ishida T, Kobayashi T, Jakkapu M, Matsubara T, Nakadaira T, Nakamura K, Oyama Y, Sakashita K, Sekiguchi T, Tsukamoto T, Bhuiyan N, Burton GT, Di Lodovico F, Gao J, Goldsack A, Katori T, Migenda J, Xie Z, Ramsden RM, Zsoldos S, Suzuki AT, Takagi Y, Zhong H, Takeuchi Y, Feng J, Feng L, Hu JR, Hu Z, Kikawa T, Mori M, Kawaue M, Nakaya T, Wendell RA, Yasutome K, Jenkins SJ, McCauley N, Mehta P, Tarant A, Fukuda Y, Itow Y, Menjo H, Ninomiya K, Yoshioka Y, Lagoda J, Lakshmi SM, Mandal M, Mijakowski P, Prabhu YS, Zalipska J, Jia M, Jiang J, Jung CK, Wilking MJ, Yanagisawa C, Shi W, Harada M, Hino Y, Ishino H, Koshio Y, Nakanishi F, Sakai S, Tada T, Tano T, Ishizuka T, Barr G, Barrow D, Cook L, Samani S, Wark D, Holin A, Nova F, Yang BS, Yang JY, Yoo J, Jung S, Fannon JEP, Kneale L, Malek M, McElwee JM, Thiesse MD, Thompson LF, Wilson ST, Okazawa H, Kim SB, Kwon E, Seo JW, Yu I, Ichikawa AK, Nakamura KD, Tairafune S, Nishijimet al., 2024,

    Search for Periodic Time Variations of the Solar ^{8}B Neutrino Flux between 1996 and 2018 in Super-Kamiokande.

    , Phys Rev Lett, Vol: 132

    We report a search for time variations of the solar ^{8}B neutrino flux using 5804 live days of Super-Kamiokande data collected between May 31, 1996, and May 30, 2018. Super-Kamiokande measured the precise time of each solar neutrino interaction over 22 calendar years to search for solar neutrino flux modulations with unprecedented precision. Periodic modulations are searched for in a dataset comprising five-day interval solar neutrino flux measurements with a maximum likelihood method. We also applied the Lomb-Scargle method to this dataset to compare it with previous reports. The only significant modulation found is due to the elliptic orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The observed modulation is consistent with astronomical data: we measured an eccentricity of (1.53±0.35)%, and a perihelion shift of (-1.5±13.5) days.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz C-E, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mundim L, Nogima H, Pinheiro JP, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Vilela Pereira A, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Fernandez Perez Tomei TR, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Orzari B, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Shumka E, Keshri S, Thakur S, Cheng T, Javaid T, Yuan L, Hu Z, Liu J, Yi K, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Iemmi F, Jiang CH, Kapoor A, Liao H, Liu Z-A, Sharma R, Song JN, Tao J, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Z, Zhang H, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Levin A, Li C, Li Q, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Sun X, Wang D, Yang H, Zhang L, Zhou C, You Z, Jaffel K, Lu N, Bauer G, Gao X, Lin Z, Lu C, Xiao M, Avila C, Barbosa Trujillo DA, Cabet al., 2024,

    Search for the decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalar bosons in the final state with four bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{\textrm{s}} $$ = 13 TeV

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol: 2024

    <jats:title>A<jats:sc>bstract</jats:sc> </jats:title><jats:p>A search is presented for the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson (H) to a pair of new light pseudoscalar bosons (a), followed by the prompt decay of each a boson to a bottom quark-antiquark pair, <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$ \textrm{H}\to \textrm{aa}\to \textrm{b}\overline{\textrm{b}}\textrm{b}\overline{\textrm{b}} $$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mi>H</mml:mi> <mml:mo>→</mml:mo> <mml:mi>aa</mml:mi> <mml:mo>→</mml:mo> <mml:mi>b</mml:mi> <mml:mover> <mml:mi>b</mml:mi> <mml:mo>¯</mml:mo> </mml:mover> <mml:mi>b</mml:mi> <mml:mover> <mml:mi>b</mml:mi> <mml:mo>¯</mml:mo> </mml:mover> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>. The analysis is performed using a data sample of proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb<jats:sup><jats:italic>−</jats:italic>1</jats:sup>. To reduce the background from standard model processes, the search requires the Higgs boson to be produced in association with a leptonically decaying W or Z boson. The analysis probes the production of new light bosons in a 15 &lt; <jats:italic>m</jats:italic><jats:sub>a</jats:sub> &lt; 60 GeV mass range. Assuming the standard model predictions for the Higgs boson production cr

  • Journal article
    Ahmed A, Das K, Das I, 2024,

    Large magnetocaloric effect and giant magnetoresistance in rare earth based intermetallic compound ErAl3: construction of magnetic phase diagram.

    , J Phys Condens Matter, Vol: 36

    This study explores the magnetic and magnetotransport behavior of polycrystalline ErAl3compound. The polycrystalline compound adopts HoAl3-type structures with the R-3m space group, No. 166-2 and hR60 configurations. Multiple magnetic orderings and two field-induced metamagnetic transitions are observed. ErAl3exhibits a significant magnetocaloric effect (MCE),-ΔSM= 15.25 J kg-1K-1and high relative cooling power of 383 J kg-1with applied magnetic field change (ΔH) of 70 kOe near the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition, showcasing its potential for magnetic refrigeration technology. The compound also demonstrates metallic behavior, with a notable magnetoresistance of 48.5%at 2 K due to the suppression of antiferromagnetism. The magnetic phase diagram reveals four distinct phases influenced by temperature and magnetic field, identified through the study of the MCE.

  • Journal article
    Mandal AK, Sarkar S, Chandra M, Mandal S, Chowdhury S, Jana A, Bagri A, Bera AK, Kumar D, Das I, Rajhunathan R, Phase DM, Choudhary RJet al., 2024,

    Navigating the magnetic contribution of the commonly used single-crystal substrates SrTiO<inf>3</inf> (100) and LaAlO<inf>3</inf> (100) in weak magnetic thin films

    , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol: 57, ISSN: 0022-3727

    In recent years, thin films of weak ferromagnetic materials have been in huge demand; however, probing their magnetic characteristics has been difficult due to contributions from underlying substrates. In the present study, we have analyzed the magnetic properties of the commonly used single-crystal SrTiO3 (100) and LaAlO3 (100) substrates and performed a time-dependent annealing protocol in vacuum and ambient oxygen pressure to mitigate the intrinsic weak ferromagnetic contributions from these substrates arising due to the presence of disorder or defects such as vacancies in the pristine substrates. It is shown that after proper air annealing, the substrate magnetic background becomes diamagnetic. When such air-annealed diamagnetic substrates are used for the deposition of low-thickness films carrying low magnetic moments such as SrRuO3 and SrMnO3 thin films, their magnetic transitions are explicitly observed. The proposed annealing protocols help to improve the signal from weak magnetic samples. This allows us to analyze the film’s magnetic properties without worrying about the contribution from the substrate.

  • Journal article
    Abbaneo D, Ahmad S, Albanese R, Alexandrov A, Alicante F, Androsov K, Anokhina A, Asada T, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Ayala Torres MA, Battilana C, Bay A, Bertocco A, Betancourt C, Bick D, Biswas R, Blanco Castro A, Boccia V, Bogomilov M, Bonacorsi D, Bonivento WM, Bordalo P, Boyarsky A, Buontempo S, Campanelli M, Camporesi T, Canale V, Castro A, Centanni D, Cerutti F, Chernyavskiy M, Choi KY, Cholak S, Cindolo F, Climescu M, Conaboy AP, Dallavalle GM, Davino D, de Bryas PT, De Lellis G, De Magistris M, De Roeck A, De Rújula A, De Serio M, De Simone D, Di Crescenzo A, Di Ferdinando D, Donà R, Durhan O, Fabbri F, Fedotovs F, Ferrillo M, Ferro-Luzzi M, Fini RA, Fiorillo A, Fresa R, Funk W, Garay Walls FM, Golovatiuk A, Golutvin A, Graverini E, Guler AM, Guliaeva V, Haefeli GJ, Hagner C, Helo Herrera JC, van Herwijnen E, Iengo P, Ilieva S, Infantino A, Iuliano A, Jacobsson R, Kamiscioglu C, Kauniskangas AM, Khalikov E, Kim SH, Kim YG, Klioutchnikov G, Komatsu M, Konovalova N, Kuleshov S, Krzempek L, Lacker HM, Lantwin O, Lasagni Manghi F, Lauria A, Lee KY, Lee KS, Lo Meo S, Loschiavo VP, Marcellini S, Margiotta A, Mascellani A, Mei F, Miano A, Mikulenko A, Montesi MC, Navarria FL, Nuntiyakul W, Ogawa Set al., 2024,

    Results and Perspectives from the First Two Years of Neutrino Physics at the LHC by the SND@LHC Experiment

    , Symmetry, Vol: 16

    After rapid approval and installation, the SND@LHC Collaboration was able to gather data successfully in 2022 and 2023. Neutrino interactions from νμs originating at the LHC IP1 were observed. Since muons constitute the major background for neutrino interactions, the muon flux entering the acceptance was also measured. To improve the rejection power of the detector and to increase the fiducial volume, a third Veto plane was recently installed. The energy resolution of the calorimeter system was measured in a test beam. This will help with the identification of νe interactions that can be used to probe charm production in the pseudo-rapidity range of SND@LHC (7.2 < η < 8.4). Events with three outgoing muons have been observed and are being studied. With no vertex in the target, these events are very likely from muon trident production in the rock before the detector. Events with a vertex in the detector could be from trident production, photon conversion, or positron annihilation. To enhance SND@LHC’s physics case, an upgrade is planned for HL-LHC that will increase the statistics and reduce the systematics. The installation of a magnet will allow the separation of νμ from (Formula presented.).

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Li A, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Onsem GP, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, Das AK, De Lentdecker G, Evard H, Favart L, Gianneios P, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Khan FA, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Mota Amarilo K, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, van der Linden J, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bethani A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Gomes De Souza R, Martins Jet al., 2024,

    Search for long-lived particles using displaced vertices and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 109, ISSN: 2470-0010

    A search for the production of long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC is presented. The search is based on data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016-2018, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of Formula Presented. This search is designed to be sensitive to long-lived particles with mean proper decay lengths between 0.1 and 1000 mm, whose decay products produce a final state with at least one displaced vertex and missing transverse momentum. A machine learning algorithm, which improves the background rejection power by more than an order of magnitude, is applied to improve the sensitivity. The observation is consistent with the standard model background prediction, and the results are used to constrain split supersymmetry (SUSY) and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models with different gluino mean proper decay lengths and masses. This search is the first CMS search that shows sensitivity to hadronically decaying long-lived particles from signals with mass differences between the gluino and neutralino below 100 GeV. It sets the most stringent limits to date for split-SUSY models and gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models with gluino proper decay length less than 6 mm.

  • Journal article
    Aalbers J, Akerib DS, Al Musalhi AK, Alder F, Amarasinghe CS, Ames A, Anderson TJ, Angelides N, Araújo HM, Armstrong JE, Arthurs M, Baker A, Balashov S, Bang J, Barillier EE, Bargemann JW, Baxter A, Beattie K, Benson T, Bhatti A, Biekert A, Biesiadzinski TP, Birch HJ, Bishop EJ, Blockinger GM, Boxer B, Brew CAJ, Brás P, Burdin S, Buuck M, Carmona-Benitez MC, Carter M, Chawla A, Chen H, Cherwinka JJ, Chin YT, Chott NI, Converse MV, Cottle A, Cox G, Curran D, Dahl CE, David A, Delgaudio J, Dey S, de Viveiros L, Di Felice L, Ding C, Dobson JEY, Druszkiewicz E, Eriksen SR, Fan A, Fearon NM, Fiorucci S, Flaecher H, Fraser ED, Fruth TMA, Gaitskell RJ, Geffre A, Genovesi J, Ghag C, Gibbons R, Gokhale S, Green J, van der Grinten MGD, Haiston JH, Hall CR, Han S, Hartigan-OConnor E, Haselschwardt SJ, Hernandez MA, Hertel SA, Heuermann G, Homenides GJ, Horn M, Huang DQ, Hunt D, Ignarra CM, Jacquet E, James RS, Johnson J, Kaboth AC, Kamaha AC, Kannichankandy M, Khaitan D, Khazov A, Khurana I, Kim J, Kingston J, Kirk R, Kodroff D, Korley L, Korolkova EV, Kraus H, Kravitz S, Kreczko L, Krikler B, Kudryavtsev VA, Lee J, Leonard DS, Lesko KT, Levy C, Lin J, Lindote A, Linehan R, Lippincott WH, Lopes MI, Lopez Asamar E, Lorenzon W, Lu C, Luitz S, Majewski PA, Manalaysay A, Mannino RL, Maupin C, McCarthy ME, McDowell G, McKinsey DN, McLaughlin J, McLaughlin JB, McMonigle R, Miller EH, Mizrachi E, Monte A, Monzani ME, Morales Mendoza JD, Morrison E, Mount BJ, Murdy M, Murphy ASJ, Naylor A, Nedlik C, Nelson HN, Neves F, Nguyen A, Nikoleyczik JA, Olcina I, Oliver-Mallory KC, Orpwood J, Palladino KJ, Palmer J, Pannifer NJ, Parveen N, Patton SJ, Penning B, Pereira G, Perry E, Pershing T, Piepke A, Qie Y, Reichenbacher J, Rhyne CA, Riffard Q, Rischbieter GRC, Riyat HS, Rosero R, Rushton T, Rynders D, Santone D, Sazzad ABMR, Schnee RW, Shaw S, Shutt T, Silk JJ, Silva C, Sinev G, Siniscalco J, Smith R, Solovov VN, Sorensen P, Soria J, Stancu I, Stevens A, Stifter K, Suerfu B, Sumner TJ, Szyet al., 2024,

    New constraints on ultraheavy dark matter from the LZ experiment

    , Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol: 109, ISSN: 1550-2368

    Searches for dark matter with liquid xenon time projection chamber experiments have traditionally focused on the region of the parameter space that is characteristic of weakly interacting massive particles, ranging from a few GeV/𝑐2 to a few TeV/𝑐2. Models of dark matter with a mass much heavier than this are well motivated by early production mechanisms different from the standard thermal freeze-out, but they have generally been less explored experimentally. In this work, we present a reanalysis of the first science run of the LZ experiment, with an exposure of 0.9  tonne×yr, to search for ultraheavy particle dark matter. The signal topology consists of multiple energy deposits in the active region of the detector forming a straight line, from which the velocity of the incoming particle can be reconstructed on an event-by-event basis. Zero events with this topology were observed after applying the data selection calibrated on a simulated sample of signal-like events. New experimental constraints are derived, which rule out previously unexplored regions of the dark matter parameter space of spin-independent interactions beyond a mass of 1017  GeV/𝑐2.

  • Journal article
    Marshall AML, McCann MA, Patel M, Petridis KA, Reboud M, Van Dyk Det al., 2024,

    Maximizing the physics potential of B± →π±μ+μ- decays

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 109, ISSN: 2470-0010

    We present a method that maximizes the experimental sensitivity to new physics contributions in B±→π±μ+μ- decays. This method relies on performing an unbinned maximum likelihood fit to both the measured dimuon q2 distribution of B±→π±μ+μ- decays, and theory calculations at spacelike q2, where QCD predictions are most reliable. Using known properties of the decay amplitude we employ a dispersion relation to describe the nonlocal hadronic contributions across spacelike and timelike q2 regions. The fit stability and the sensitivity to new physics couplings and new sources of CP-violation are studied for current and future data-taking scenarios, with the LHCb experiment as an example. The proposed method offers a precise and reliable way to search for new physics in these decays.

  • Journal article
    Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Escalante Del Valle A, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Liko D, Mikulec I, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Schwarz D, Sonawane M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Darwish MR, Janssen T, Van Mechelen P, Bols ES, DHondt J, Dansana S, De Moor A, Delcourt M, El Faham H, Lowette S, Makarenko I, Müller D, Sahasransu AR, Tavernier S, Tytgat M, Van Putte S, Vannerom D, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Favart L, Hohov D, Jaramillo J, Khalilzadeh A, Lee K, Mahdavikhorrami M, Malara A, Paredes S, Pétré L, Postiau N, Thomas L, Vanden Bemden M, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, De Coen M, Dobur D, Hong Y, Knolle J, Lambrecht L, Mestdach G, Rendón C, Samalan A, Skovpen K, Van Den Bossche N, Wezenbeek L, Benecke A, Bruno G, Caputo C, Delaere C, Donertas IS, Giammanco A, Jaffel K, Jain S, Lemaitre V, Lidrych J, Mastrapasqua P, Mondal K, Tran TT, Wertz S, Alves GA, Coelho E, Hensel C, Menezes De Oliveira T, Moraes A, Rebello Teles P, Soeiro M, Aldá Júnior WL, Alves Gallo Pereira M, Barroso Ferreira Filho M, Brandao Malbouisson H, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, Fonseca De Souza S, Martins J, Mora Herrera C, Mota Amarilo K, Mundim Let al., 2024,

    Combined search for electroweak production of winos, binos, higgsinos, and sleptons in proton-proton collisions at Formula Presented

    , Physical Review D, Vol: 109, ISSN: 2470-0010

    A combination of the results of several searches for the electroweak production of the supersymmetric partners of standard model bosons, and of charged leptons, is presented. All searches use proton-proton collision data at Formula Presented recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016-2018. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to Formula Presented. The results are interpreted in terms of simplified models of supersymmetry. Two new interpretations are added with this combination: a model spectrum with the bino as the lightest supersymmetric particle together with mass-degenerate Higgsinos decaying to the bino and a standard model boson, and the compressed-spectrum region of a previously studied model of slepton pair production. Improved analysis techniques are employed to optimize sensitivity for the compressed spectra in the wino and slepton pair production models. The results are consistent with expectations from the standard model. The combination provides a more comprehensive coverage of the model parameter space than the individual searches, extending the exclusion by up to 125 GeV, and also targets some of the intermediate gaps in the mass coverage.

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