Over the past several years, Horizons has become a much-appreciated component of the Imperial education of over 50% of our undergraduate students. It has grown in its offer, and was entirely reviewed in 2018, aligning it even better with the aims of the Learning and Teaching strategy.

Working in partnership with the other elements of an Imperial education, the Horizons programme helps to ensure that Imperial College London graduates are not just well educated  in their chosen field, but are also independent learners and critical thinkers, have an ability to manage complex ideas, and, most importantly, to communicate them effectively.

They have honed workplace leadership and team skills, have an understanding of risk, failure, uncertainty and success. They have proficiency in project and time management, and in networking and negotiating skills – all the skills that employers want in 21st century graduates, and that our own alumni testify are all-important in the workplace.

Horizons Vision 2020-2025 [pdf]

Our vision for the next 5 years of Horizons is one of a programme that remains fresh, current and provides a wide variety of academically rigorous modules that will stretch our students in unfamiliar directions. We will help Imperial students to reflect on their core-disciplinary topics with the lens of ethical, moral and societal perspectives; we will equip them with the communication, leadership and critical thinking they need to feel comfortable in a rapidly-changing world; we will help ensure that they have they skills remain AI- and robot-proof; we will prepare them to thrive globally in jobs of the future that do not yet exist. 

Our new motto: SEE MORE. ACHIEVE MORE. BE MORE encapsulates our ideals.

Imperial Horizons Vision 2020-2025

CLCC has published a vision document which sets out the ambitions of Imperial Horizons 2020-2025