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  • Conference paper
    Matar OK, Troian SM, 1997,

    Dynamics and stability of surfactant coated thin spreading films

    , Symposium on Dynamics in Small Confining Systems, at the 1996 MRS Fall Meeting, Publisher: MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY, Pages: 237-242, ISSN: 0272-9172
  • Journal article
    Matar OK, Troian SM, 1997,

    Linear stability analysis of an insoluble surfactant monolayer spreading on a thin liquid film

    , Physics of Fluids, Vol: 9, Pages: 3645-3657
  • Journal article
    Ripple D, Matar O, 1993,

    Viscosity of the saturated liquid-phase of 6 halogenated compounds and 3 mixtures

    , Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol: 38, Pages: 560-564

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