So that the Department can assess the suitability of all fellowship applications going forward, potential applicants are required to complete the Departmental Assessment Process (DAP) at least eight weeks before the funder deadline (see Common Sources of Funding, Eligibility and Deadlines) to allow sufficient time for review as well as proposal development.


  • Prepare a short outline (1 page, single-sided A4 maximum) summarising your fellowship proposal.

  • Ensure that your CV is current, and includes all relevant publications.

  • Contact a member of academic staff within the Department who is undertaking research related to your area of interest to request that they act as a sponsor during the application process. You will need to obtain a letter of support from this academic sponsor. Please note that this sponsor should not normally be your current supervisor.


Follow the link below to proceed to our online application form. Before you start, ensure you have the following ready and saved as a single PDF document ready to submit with your application:

  1.  Current CV
  2. One-page proposal outline
  3. Letter of support from your academic sponsor



Your application will be reviewed and considered at the next scheduled Department of Materials Standing or Research Committee meeting. If you are selected, you will be notified by e-mail. The Department will provide any required assistance in the preparation of a full submission to the funder. 


For all queries concerning fellowship submissions, please contact:

Ms Claire Tibble
Research Finance Manager
Department of Materials
+44 (0)20 7594 7229