Student view: Sarah

"Together we help support our fellow colleagues and make a difference with our charming smiles (and obviously a bit of work!)" 

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Meetings of the Staff Student Committee are held twice in the Autum and Spring terms and once in the Summer term. These meetings allow the Department to share information and new initiatives to the Student Representatives to disseminate more largely. It is also an opportunity to have discussions around student concerns and gain student feedback on College and departmental policies and procedures. Both Academic and Wellbeing Student Representatives attend and present relevant issues at the meetings. Student representation is viewed highly in the Department, both in developing the programme as well as supporting the student experience.

Any actions arising from these meetings are implemented by the Student Representatives, Senior Tutor, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Undergraduate Liaison Officer. When introducing new elements to the course we conduct internal reviews and ask for student feedback as part of this process.

Members of the Committee

Members of the Committee


Undergraduate Liaison Officer (Co-Chair with Student Departmental Representatives)

Inkeri Hibbins 

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr Chris Hallsworth

Senior Tutor
Dr Chris Ford

Year Tutors:

1st Year Tutor - Dr Ajay Chandra

2nd Year Tutor - Dr Sam Brzezicki and Dr Shahid Mughal

3rd Year Tutor - Dr Davoud Cheraghi

4th Year Tutor - Dr Martin Rasmussen


Other staff members include:

Departmental IT Infrastructure Committee lead

UG office Administrative Staff Representative

Student Experience Coordinator

Section leads 



Departmental RepreseNtativeS 2021-2022:

Academic Representative: Priscilla Yip

Wellbeing Representative: Desmond Lin

Current Year Reps can be found on MathsCentral 

More information on Student Representation can be found on the Imperial College London Union website


Sarah"I’ve been lucky to have been chosen as the Year Representative for the Departmental Student Staff Committee and have been active in supporting my peers with academic questions or concerns they have had, liaising with the Departmental staff on issues students raise. I started off as a first year maths student representative when I arrived and now have moved on to the Maths Department Student Representative. There are also the Academic Affairs Officer (AAO) and President/Deputy President of Education that oversee the Faculty affairs. Together we help support our fellow colleagues and make a difference with our charming smiles (and obviously a bit of work :) )! It’s been great to be part of this system throughout my time at Imperial."

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