Meet Professor Stephen Franks

What course do you teach on and what is your role?

Professor Stephen FranksMSc in Reproductive & Developmental Biology (Chair of Examiners, member of MSc course organising team, project supervisor, tutor and lecturer); BSc in Reproductive & Developmental Sciences (lecturer); BSc in Endocrinology (lecturer); Undergraduate Medicine (teaching in outpatient clinic).

How has your career led you to teaching?

I am a clinical academic and have always been interested, and involved in, teaching from my time as a medical registrar (teaching medical students and recently qualified staff). My specialisation in endocrinology and, in particular, reproductive endocrinology is the background to my teaching (at both undergraduate and postgraduate level) of reproductive science and well as clinical aspects of reproductive and general endocrinology. My experience in both laboratory-based and clinic-based research keeps me up to date and directly informs my teaching.

What aspect of the course do you enjoy teaching the most?

The interactive teaching sessions (for which both students and staff have to prepare) and small group work are hard work but are much more enjoyable than formal lectures. I also particularly enjoy the supervision of students in their lab project.

What do you hope your students will go on to achieve on completion of this course?

The great advantage of this course is that it provides a broad knowledge base in reproductive and developmental science from which students can choose a direction that best suits their ambitions for a career whether that be in research (many of our students go on to study for a PhD), in clinical embryology or other reproductive science-related subjects. Importantly the new curriculum with its emphasis on team-based learning provides the opportunity to acquire transferrable skills that are invaluable in developing any career, whether in science or in a completely different field.

What is your favorite part about teaching at Imperial College London?

The vibrant atmosphere of a world-leading university with its marriage of first-class research and an excellent pedigree in teaching. I work in a harmonious and interactive team of colleagues that share the same enthusiasm for, and pride in, the MSc course we run.