How to Register for the LTDP Refresher

For staff who wish to register themselves onto the programme:

» The staff member should email the LTDP Coordinator, or discuss with their DUGS/DPS/HoD
» The DUGS/DPS/HoD should meet with the member of staff to discuss which elements of the programme would be appropriate to complete
» The LTDP Refresher Registration Form should be completed and signed by the DUGS/DPS/HoD and the staff member
» The Form should then be emailed to the LTDP Coordinator
» The LTDP Coordinator will create a record for the member of staff and will arrange registration of workshops etc.

For staff identified by their Deptartment as being required to complete programme:

» The DUGS/HoD should meet with the member of staff to discuss which elements of the programme would be appropriate to complete
» The should be completed and signed by the DUGS/DPS/HoD and the staff member
» The Form should be sent to the LTDP Coordinator
» The LTDP Coordinator will create a record for the member of staff and will arrange registration of workshops etc.

If you have any queries, please email us.