MONEY TALK - latest short fiction from Aifric Campbell


Theatre-goers at casino tables for interactive theatre production, LIES

Interactive theatre production £¥€$ (LIES). Photograph:Thomas Dhanens

Aifric Campbell has released her latest short piece of fiction, MONEY TALK.

Commissioned by the Almeida Theatre, London, for an interactive production £¥€$ (LIES), MONEY TALK tells the story of a mother teaching her nine-year-old son to play poker.  

£¥€$ (LIES), a fast-paced and interactive piece of theatre by Belgian theatre collective Ontroerend Goed, is currently touring Europe, and also involves playing a gambling game.

Read Aifric Campbell's short story, MONEY TALK, published in the Irish Times.

Dr Aifric Campbell is a novelist and lecturer in Creative Writing on the Imperial Horizons programme.


Ms Cleo Bowen

Ms Cleo Bowen
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication