Biomechanics researchers to receive best translational science paper award


The authors of the paper

The authors of the paper

Researchers in the Biomechanics group have won the 2018 Excellence in Translational Science Award from the Journal of Orthopaedic Research (JOR).

The award is for the paper "Additive manufactured push-fit implant fixation with screw-strength pull out", authors Richard van Arkel, Shaaz Ghouse, Piers Milner and Jonathan Jeffers.

The research investigates how addictive manufacturing technology could improve initial fixation of metallic implants in bone, and proposes a new barbed fixation mechanism.

Award winners are selected by the JOR Editors from eligible papers accepted by the Journal, and celebrate work published in JOR in the Basic, Clinical, and Translational Science categories.

Winners will be honoured during the ORS (Orthopaedic Research Society) 2019 Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, which takes place in February 2019.


Nadia Barbu

Nadia Barbu
Department of Mechanical Engineering