Imperial College London


Business School

Senior Teaching Fellow in Diversity & Inclusion



+44 (0)20 7594 9609m.farkas




278Business School BuildingSouth Kensington Campus





Maria Farkas is an Professorial Lecturer at Imperial College Business School. Maria received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Business Administration and Sociology and a B.A. in English and Economics from Wellesley College. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Maria was a Research Associate at the Harvard Business School where she wrote several case studies and teaching notes.

Maria specializes in teaching leadership skills with a focus on diversity and inclusion. She founded and teaches the award winning course Working in Diverse Organisations which is designed to equip ICBS students with practical skills to thrive in work environments diverse in regard to skills expertise, problem solving approaches, ethnicity, religion, and many other social identities. Maria's interests in diversity and inclusion are broad. She consults on this topic for a variety of organisations, creates associated teaching materials, and  runs an annual workshop for women Academics at the annual Academy of Management Conference.



Hussan A, Satheeskaran M, Dho H, et al., 2024, GP perceptions of informal peer support in primary care: a qualitative study, Bjgp Open, Pages:BJGPO.2023.0151-BJGPO.2023.0151

Christianson MK, Farkas MT, Sutcliffe KM, et al., 2009, Learning Through Rare Events: Significant Interruptions at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum, Organization Science, Vol:20, ISSN:1047-7039, Pages:846-860

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