Capital Fund Management has launched a Call for Papers, hoping to attract interesting submissions on ESG and alternative investment strategies. 

As a collaborative effort with the Journal of Investment Strategies  the winning paper along with a selection of the 4/5 best submissions (based on their, and those of a panel of external reviewers’ assessment) will be published in a special edition of the Journal in the fall of 2020. The winning paper will moreover be awarded a 10,000€ prize.

The call with all the details is available here:

 If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact: 

André Breedt | Research Associate | Capital Fund Management |

23 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris | Tel : + 33 1 49 49 58 93 |

Applications are now closed for the CFM-Imperial Fellowship . 

The CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance funds:

The CFM-Imperial Research Fellowship in Quantitative Finance 

This fellowship funds a Postdoc position for two years.

The 2016 CFM-Imperial Research Fellowship has been awarded to:  Dr Eyal NEUMAN.

The CFM-Imperial PhD Fellowship

This fellowship funds a PhD thesis on mathematical modeling and computational methods in finance.

The 2014 CFM-Imperial PhD Fellowship has been awarded to:  Mr Arman KHALEDIAN

Contact us

CFM-Imperial Institute of Quantitative Finance
Department of Mathematics,
Imperial College
