February '19  -  We are delighted to have been awarded a Royal Society Research Grant!

December '18  -  Our paper on metals in interlocked complexes (rotaxanes) in collaboration with the Goldup Group in Southampton is published in JACS. John gives a talk at the 2018 Christmas Bioenergetics Meeting at the University of Cambridge. We say bye to Enrico and wish him all the very best for this lectureship at the University of Turin!

September '18  -  We welcome Katherine and Gemma to the group as new PhD students. Maxie promoted to Senior Lecturer.

July '18  -  John defends his thesis - congratulations Dr Wright! Martina gives a talk at the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Sendai, Japan. We are awarded a Research Grant from the Leverhulme Trust.

June '18  -  Chrisline is awarded the Inorganic Chemistry Project Prize

April '18  -  We host the 51st Annual International RSC EPR meeting at QMUL. Congratulations to Martina for being selected for a talk and to Kaltum for winning one of the poster prizes! 

March '18  -  Maxie's daughter Kira is born

January '18  -  Maxie gives a talk at the University of Bath

Older news...

11/12/17  -  Wei and Maxie participate in the NSFC-RSC Symposium on Chemical Biology

04/12/17  -  Maxie had the pleasure to examine Dr Claire Motion's PhD at the University of St. Andrew's. Congratulations Claire on excellent work!

29/11/17  -  Our recent JACS paper was selected as a Spotlight Article by the Editors of JACS

17/10/17  -  Our JACS paper on the role of the N2 cluster in complex I is now available

25/09/17  -  We welcome Chrisline and Dilan to our group for the research projects

07/08/17  -  We welcome Chris for his DAAD-RISE funded summer research project

23/07/17  -  Annual summer BBQ in Maxie's backyard and official goodbye to Nolwenn and Ana (spot the QMUL jumpers!)

13/07/17  -  The complex I team is off to Cambridge for a Research Collaboration Day with the Hirst group

11/07/17  -  Our collaborative paper with the Parkin group is now online

05/07/17  -  Nolwenn presents her work at the Computational Biology symposium (as part of the Life Sciences Initiative)

03/07/17  -  Gemma joins us for a summer research internship from Imperial College

16/06/17  -  We sadly say goodbye to Ana and wish her all the very best in her new position at King's College London

03/06/17  -  Maxie and John present at the Bioenergetic GRC

31/05/17  -  Kaltum gives a talk at the MRI Spring Symposium

09/05/17  -  John and Maxie are off to the University of Delft for some collaborative experiments

26/04/17  -  Maxie gives a seminar at the University of York, Chemistry Department

02/04/17  -  Nolwenn and Maxie are off to Oxford to the 50th RSC EPR conference

21/02/17  -  Maxie gives a spectroscopy taster lecture at the Chemistry Open Day

17/02/17  -  Congratulations to Chagish who won the master project poster prize!

16/12/16  -  Nolwenn gives a talk at the Oxford Bioenergetics meeting

14/12/16  -  Martina is off to Edinburgh to present her work at MASC16

13/12/16  -  Group Christmas Dinner - delicious Italian food (thanks to Martina for organsing!)

14/11/16  -  We welcome Prof. Nestor Carrillo from Argentina who is visiting for a week as part of the NDH project

10/10/16  -  Adam joins the group on his LIDo PhD rotation project - the first physicist in the group!

28/09/16  -  We welcome Chagish and Nilab who will be doing their Master projects in our group.

26/09/16  -  A warm welcome to our new PhD students Wei and Kaltum!

15/08/16  -  Welcome to Svenja who will do summer project with us funded by DAAD RISE.

20/07/16  -  John, Nolwenn & Maxie had a very productive day with our collaborators from Cambridge - thanks Judy, Andy and Justin for coming over! Followed by Thai food in the pub ;)

19/07/16  -  Guy Hanke and Maxie win some competitive funding (GCRF/QMUL) to start a new project on NDH - so exciting!

06/07/16  -  Sumeyye joins our group on the Erasmus+ program from Bogazici University (Turkey) - congrats for crossing all the visa and funding hurdles to get here!

02/07/16  -  John and Nolwenn are off to EBEC2016

24/06/16  -  Martina & Maxie enjoyed a great Supramolecular Chemistry Meeting organised by Steve Goldup & colleagues at Southampton!

23/06/16  -  Nolwenn wins a travel grant from QMUL's Life Sciences Initiative to attend EBEC2016

31/05/16  -  Congratulations to Wei Song for winning a CSC scholarship - he will be joining us from Peking University in September Camille Galateau joins the group for a summer internship - welcome Camille!

18/04/16  -  Congrats to John: first 1st author paper accepted!

07/04/16  -  John receives a travel grant from the RSC (Analytical division) to present his work at EBEC2016

03/07/16  -  Martina and Maxie are off to the RSC EPR conference

31/03/16  -  Our paper in collaboration with the fantastic Parkin group is out!

01/03/16  -  Ana joins the group - welcome!

22/02/16  -  John wins the Chemistry and Biochemistry Poster Prize at the Postgraduate Symposium. Congratulations John!

15/02/16  -  Svenja Hehn wins scholarship from the DAAD (RISE worldwide) to join the group over the summer

11/01/16  -  Maxie and Sarah Barry (King's College) win a Small Grant from the Life Sciences Institute. Looking forward to starting an exciting new project!

28/12/15  -  Judy's and Maxie's paper is in press

18/12/15  -  John gives a talk at the Christmas Bioenergetics meeting at Imperial College

16/12/15  -  Group Christmas dinner at the Lord Tredegar (sadly missing Martina) - burgers all round! 

13/11/15  -  Congrats to John - first paper submitted! Also big thanks to Enrico and the Hirst group... 

09/10/15  -  Farzaneh starts her 3rd year project

30/09/15  -  Michelle joins the group

28/09/15  -  A big welcome to our new PhD student Martina!

24/08/15  -  John is off to the EPR summer school in Berlin

15/08/15  -  Annual group BBQ in Maxie's backyard

02/08/15  -  Nolwenn joins the group from Marseille

17/07/15  -  Graduation Day: Congratulations to Anokhi and Nhi on their First class degrees!

16/06/15  -  Maxie gives a talk at AWEST 2015, Japan