Greg Foot Greg graduated from MSc Science Media Production in 2006.

"I really enjoyed my year on the Science Media Production course. I was surrounded by like-minded folk who were super keen to start-up a student TV show with me, write up stories and all co-present a student science radio channel, as well as teach each-other editing and camera skills. Some of the more academic and theoretical sides of the course were really interesting and opened my eyes to film theory, semantics and other new worlds. The course has some great lectures and some brilliant guest speakers who give you the real picture of the industry. I’ve got the work experience to thank for opening doors into TV production that are always notoriously difficult to get a foot into. Oh and I made some great mates who I’d now consider some of my closest friends."

Contact us

Liam Watson
Science Communication Unit Administrator
Level 3, Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8753