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  • Journal article
    Liebeck MW, 1998,

    The classification of finite linear spaces with flag-transitive automorphism groups of affine type

    , JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A, Vol: 84, Pages: 196-235, ISSN: 0097-3165
  • Journal article
    Liebeck MW, Seitz GM, 1998,

    On the subgroup structure of exceptional groups of Lie type

    , TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Vol: 350, Pages: 3409-3482, ISSN: 0002-9947
  • Journal article
    Lawther R, Liebeck MW, 1998,

    On the diameter of a Cayley graph of a simple group of Lie type based on a conjugacy class

    , JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A, Vol: 83, Pages: 118-137, ISSN: 0097-3165
  • Conference paper
    Liebeck MW, 1998,

    Subgroups of exceptional groups

    , NATO Advanced study Institute on Molecular Representations and Subgroup Structure of Algebraic Groups and Related Finite Groups, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 275-290, ISSN: 0258-2023
  • Journal article
    Liebeck MW, Seitz GM, 1998,

    On the subgroup structure of classical groups

    , Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol: 134, Pages: 427-453, ISSN: 0020-9910
  • Journal article
    Liebeck MW, 1998,

    Regular orbits and the k(GV)-problem

    , Groups and Geometries, Pages: 145-148
  • Journal article
    Liebeck MW, Pyber L, 1997,

    Upper bounds for the number of conjugacy classes of a finite group

    , JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, Vol: 198, Pages: 538-562, ISSN: 0021-8693
  • Journal article
    Evans DM, 1997,

    Finite covers with finite kernels

    , Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol: 88, Pages: 109-147, ISSN: 0168-0072

    We are concerned with the following problem. Suppose Γ and Σ are closed permutation groups on infinite sets C and W and ρ : Γ → Σ is a non-split, continuous epimorphism with finite kernel. Describe (for fixed Σ) the possibilities for ρ. Here, we consider the case where ρ arises from a finite cover π:C→W. We give reasonably general conditions on the permutation structure 〈W;Σ〉 which allow us to prove that these covers arise in two possible ways. The first way, reminiscent of covers of topological spaces, is as a covering of some Σ-invariant digraph on W. The second construction is less easy to describe, but produces the most familiar of these types of covers: a vector space covering its projective space.

  • Journal article
    Guralnick RM, Liebeck MW, Macpherson D, Seitz GMet al., 1997,

    Modules for algebraic groups with finitely many orbits on subspaces

    , JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, Vol: 196, Pages: 211-250, ISSN: 0021-8693
  • Journal article
    Evans DM, 1997,

    Computation of first cohomology groups of finite covers

    , Journal of Algebra, Vol: 193, Pages: 214-238, ISSN: 0021-8693

    We give several applications of standard methods of group cohomology to some problems arising in model theory concerning finite covers. We prove a conjecture of the author that for G-finite, א0-categorical structures the kernels of minimal superlinked finite covers have bounded rank. We show that the cohomology groups associated to finite covers of certain structures (amongst them, the primitive, countable, totally categorical structures) have to be finite. From this we deduce that the finite covers of these structures are determined up to finitely many possibilities by their kernels. © 1997 Academic Press.

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