Call for ideas campaign
As Imperial continues to evolve the buildings, facilities and public spaces across our nine London campuses, we also want to continue to refresh the names of our Imperial places.
To help with this considerable task we are looking to staff, students and alumni for inspiration. We are seeking ideas that can inform the naming process.
We want naming to be inspired by Imperial, as a unique university and by London, the unique city which we call home.
We are hoping that our staff, students and alumni will inspire us with ideas that reflect both Imperial’s forward-focused vision and the role we play in the local neighbourhoods to which we belong.
We would like to celebrate these together in our approach by creating names that resonate with both local communities and the Imperial community.
We’re looking for ideas across three themes:
Diverse Imperial Notables
We have a long history of celebrating the achievements of Imperial people. We want to focus on our ground-breaking alumni from more diverse backgrounds or those with less well-known achievements.
Breakthroughs or “firsts” connected to both Imperial and the communities in which we are located.
Local London Culture
We are proudly a London university and relish the opportunity to celebrate the many local cultures that make up this world-class city.
Across the themes we are looking for names that are noticeable, comprehensible and memorable. They can be inspired by places, objects, ideas and people.
We are excited to see what the creative and insightful Imperial community comes up with.
For any queries about Naming Imperial Places, please contact:
- What is being named? Where will the names be used?
- How will the final names for places/buildings be chosen?
- Will students and staff be able to vote for their favourite names?
- How long is the ‘call for ideas’ going to be open for?
- When will new names be announced?
- The name that I suggested has been chosen, will I be credited for suggesting it?
- How does this ‘call for ideas’ align with the naming after Imperial benefactors?
- Imperial has already reviewed the names of its places and buildings as part of the History Group, why are you doing it again?
Across Imperial’s campuses we are creating a number of new buildings, refurbishing existing buildings and upgrading our shared places and common spaces. We are also creating a series of new streets and public spaces on new campuses, such as the White City Campus. This ‘call for ideas’ is asking for inspiration for naming for any of these.
The final names for all buildings and places will be chosen by a senior panel of colleagues from across Imperial, including senior leaders from academic faculties and professional services. This senior panel will be responsible for ensuring that any name chosen reflects the mission and values of Imperial, and our commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion. Where appropriate, new names will also be approved by local authority which has responsibility for street naming, such as London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.
We do not intend to put the names out to a vote. The selection of any name for an Imperial building and space is given careful consideration and subject to detailed background research and checks. To ensure that the process has the necessary rigour and reflection, the selection of names will be the responsibility of a senior Imperial panel of representatives.
We are asking for ideas to be submitted until the end of the Spring Term 2025 (21 March 2025). If there is interest in continuing the campaign, this may be extended into 2025.
There is no fixed timeline, as names will be chosen as new or existing buildings, or new public spaces are ready to open. This is linked to long-term development and refurbishment strategies for our campuses. At White City Campus there will be new buildings and public spaces launching in the next 3-5 yeas. We will keep staff and students informed as when names are selected and when they are launched.
Where possible individuals who have suggested ideas which result in a new name for a building and space will be recognised, including reference to them on Imperial’s website. However, as this ‘call for ideas’ is focused on inspiration to inform future naming opportunities, so it may be the case that the exact name or idea you suggest is not used directly, but informs another naming idea.
We are proud that Imperial’s academic mission is supported through its strong relationships with alumni who help us to realise our goals and build our global reputation. We continue to collaborate with new and existing benefactors to support and further our work and this includes support for scholarships, academic positions, research centres as well as capital projects and developing our campuses.
This call is not replicating any of the work of the History Group, it is looking forward and invites contributions to inform future naming opportunities and it also aims to look beyond Imperial for its inspiration. We are, of course, keen to hear ideas about the breakthroughs, innovations and ‘firsts’ of Imperial and its people, we also want to take inspiration from the diverse London communities in which our campuses are based.