
BibTex format

author = {Martinez, Sanz IM and Chaudhuri, B and Majumder, R},
doi = {10.1109/PESGM.2017.8273764},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {HVDC connection to large nuclear power plants: a case study on Moorside in Great Britain},
url = {},
year = {2018}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Use of HVDC links for direct connection of a largenuclear power station to the existing power grid is unprecedented.Control of such HVDC connection for stable and secure operationof the nuclear power station is challenging and untested. Forthe Moorside nuclear power station planned close to the LakeDistrict in Great Britain, there is tremendous pressure to useHVDC cables for the southern connection route (which wouldpass through the picturesque landscape) to avoid the visualimpact of overhead lines. This paper shows that it is feasibleto connect a large nuclear power station, such as Moorside,through a VSC-HVDC cable route alongside a northern ACroute where there are no objections to overhead transmission.Use of a proposed control of the VSC-HVDC is shown to achieveautomatic and rapid redirection of power on to the VSC-HVDClink following sudden outage of the AC route. Moreover, if thegenerators at Moorside were to shut down accidentally, the samecontrol strategy for VSC-HVDC can back feed the power stationauxiliaries which is essential for nuclear safety. Thus, a mix ofAC and HVDC connection routes achieves similar (if not better)transient responses as compared to using both AC routes whichin this case faces serious opposition.
AU - Martinez,Sanz IM
AU - Chaudhuri,B
AU - Majumder,R
DO - 10.1109/PESGM.2017.8273764
PY - 2018///
TI - HVDC connection to large nuclear power plants: a case study on Moorside in Great Britain
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