
Multimode: you can join in person or online via Microsoft Teams

Room: SKEM 064A, South Kensington Campus 

Join us for December’s Talking Teaching where we will be hearing about new and innovative ways to enhance the assessment and feedback experience for both teaching staff and students.

Changing Feedback Culture with Reflective ePortfolios by Magda Charalambous

Magda will give a presentation on the use of existing online tools to help students and tutors to engage in iterative feedback processes that promote action and continuous dialogue. Magda and her team have developed a reflective ePortfolio in MS OneNote that provides a repository for assessed coursework, marks, reflection on feedback, skills development and action plans which she will demonstrate. She will explain the rationale behind the reflective ePortfolio, how it might help change culture around the giving, receiving and use of feedback, and how it has been received by students and tutors.

Elevating Automated Mathematics Feedback by Peter Johnson, Phil Ramsden, and Karl Lundengard 

The presenters will begin with a rationale, the principles on which automated feedback should be developed, and the role of software in its delivery. The presentation will include a brief demo of new software being developed at Imperial, currently being piloted in 8 departments. A ‘problem definition’ for providing automated feedback will be articulated to identify key challenges in this new area of research. Some early algorithms – now being piloted – will be shared, showing the challenges and the potential benefits. Plans for the future will be shared, and open questions will be asked for the community to discuss (for example, what is good automated feedback?).

To receive a calendar invitation, please fill out this form. If you have any questions, please email ltstrategy@ic.ac.uk