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Journal articleHutchings H, Stahmann KP, Roels S, et al., 1999,
The multiply-regulated <i>gabA</i> gene encoding the GABA permease of <i>Aspergillus nidulans</i>:: a score of exons
, MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY, Vol: 32, Pages: 557-568, ISSN: 0950-382X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 38
Journal articleMoffatt MF, Cookson WO, 1999,
Gene therapy for peanut allergy.
, Nat Med, Vol: 5, Pages: 380-381, ISSN: 1078-8956 -
Journal articleAlton EWFW, Stern M, Farley R, et al., 1999,
Cationic lipid-mediated <i>CFTR</i> gene transfer to the lungs and nose of patients with cystic fibrosis:: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial
, LANCET, Vol: 353, Pages: 947-954, ISSN: 0140-6736- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 328
Journal articleDizier MH, James A, Faux J, et al., 1999,
Segregation analysis of the specific response to allergens: A recessive major gene controls the specific IgE response to timothy grass pollen
, Genetic Epidemiology, Vol: 16, Pages: 305-315, ISSN: 0741-0395Segregation analysis of the specific response to allergens (SRA) was performed in a sample of 234 randomly selected Australian families using the regressive models. Various SRA phenotypes were considered using broad and narrow definitions of these phenotypes, according to the type of test used, skin test or RAST test, and the specificity of the response to allergen. Strong evidence for familial dependencies among blood relatives was shown for most SRA phenotypes, especially when using a broad definition. There was no evidence for a Mendelian factor accounting for the familial transmission of these broadest phenotypes, which may involve multiple factors preventing the clear detection of a major effect with Mendelian transmission. However, segregation of a Mendelian recessive major gene was detected for one SRA sub- phenotype, the IgE response to a single allergen, Timothy grass pollen, measured by the RAST test. Identification of a specific SRA phenotype controlled by a major gene may have important implications for further linkage studies.
Journal articleIto K, Adcock I, Barnes PJ, 1999,
Different histone acetylation induced by glucocorticoids and IL-1β in human epithelial cells (A549)
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- Citations: 1
Journal articleDavies J, Dewar A, Bush A, et al., 1999,
Reduction in the adherence of <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> to native cystic fibrosis epithelium with anti-asialoGM1 antibody and neuraminidase inhibition
, EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, Vol: 13, Pages: 565-570, ISSN: 0903-1936- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 27
Journal articleMingot JM, Tilburn J, Diez E, et al., 1999,
Specificity determinants of proteolytic processing of <i>Aspergillus</i> PacC transcription factor are remote from the processing site, and processing occurs in yeast if pH signalling is bypassed
, MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Vol: 19, Pages: 1390-1400, ISSN: 0270-7306- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 64
Journal articleDizier MH, Sandford A, Walley A, et al., 1999,
Indication of linkage of serum IgE levels to the interleukin-4 gene and exclusion of the contribution of the (-590 C to T) interleukin-4 promoter polymorphism to IgE variation
, Genetic Epidemiology, Vol: 16, Pages: 84-94, ISSN: 0741-0395Previous segregation analysis of a sample of 234 randomly selected Australian families showed evidence for a recessive major gene controlling serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels independently of the specific response to allergens (SRA). Since linkage has been recently reported between serum IgE levels and the 5q candidate region spanning the interleukin-4 (IL-4) gene, we investigated whether the recessive major gene detected by segregation analysis was linked to the IL-4 region and whether polymorphisms within the IL-4 gene were associated with IgE levels. Both sib-pair method and combined segregation and linkage analysis using the regressive models were applied to our data. Whereas there was no evidence of linkage of total IgE levels to the IL-4 region, an indication of linkage (P values ranging between 0.01 and 0.03) was found between IgE levels adjusted for SRA and two IL-4 polymorphisms: one dinucleotide repeat in intron 2 of the IL-4 gene and a single nucleotide (-590 C to T) polymorphism in the IL-4 promoter. However, the putative IL-4 linked gene did not appear to be in linkage disequilibrium with either of these two polymorphisms. A contribution of the IL-4 promoter polymorphism, presumed to be a potential functional variant influencing IgE variation, was also excluded.
Conference paperNg CS, Desai SR, Rubens MB, et al., 1999,
Visual quantitation and observer variation of signs of small airways disease at inspiratory and expiratory CT
, Pages: 279-285, ISSN: 0883-5993Areas of decreased pulmonary attenuation representing small airways disease can be identified on computed tomography (CT). The objective was to quantify differences between inspiratory and expiratory CT for the detection of signs of small airways disease by four observers. Observer variation and the superiority of a fine versus a coarse grading system were also evaluated. Inspiratory and expiratory CT scans of 106 patients with conditions characterized by small airways disease and 19 healthy individuals were assessed by four observers. The extent of decreased attenuation was scored on a fine scale to the nearest 5% and also semiquantitatively on a coarser 5-point scale. Decreased attenuation was more extensive on expiratory CT (median, 6.7%; 0-76.7%) than on inspiratory CT (median, 3.8%; 0-81.7%). The fine scoring system had unacceptable interobserver variation (coefficient of variation, 80% for inspiratory CT, 70% for expiratory CT). The semiquantitative system had acceptable interobserver agreement (inspiratory CT kw = 0.64; expiratory CT, kw = 0.69) and good intra-observer agreement (inspiratory CT, kw = 0.80; expiratory CT, kw = 0.64). The major CT sign of small airways disease is more confidently quantified on expiratory CT. A fine scoring system is associated with unacceptable observer variation, and a coarse semiquantitative system is more suitable for quantitative studies of small airways disease. © 1999 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Inc.
Journal articleDesai SR, 1999,
Mini-symposium: Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
, Imaging, Vol: 11, ISSN: 0965-6812
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