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Journal articleGuo LJ, Moore JM, Haigh JD, 1997,
Simulated reflectance technique for ATM image enhancement
, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Vol: 18, Pages: 243-254, ISSN: 0143-1161- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 2
Conference paperSoriga A, McMoore, JMcM, et al., 1997,
Hydrated Mineral Reconnaisance in the Ethiopian Rift Valley using TM Imagery
, Twelfth International Conference and Workshop on Applied Geological Remote Sensing, 17-19/11/97, Denvor, Colorado, USA, Publisher: ERIM, Pages: 85-92 -
Conference paperJackson C, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 1997,
Bearing capacity of pre-loaded surface foundations on clay
, Rotterdam, 9th Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. and Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG97, Wuhan, China, Publisher: A.A. Balkema, Pages: 745-750 -
ReportBond AJ, Hight DW, Jardine RJ, 1997,
Design Of Piles In Sand In The Uk Sector Of The North Sea
, HSE Offhore Technology Report, Publisher: HSE Books, OTH 94 457 -
Conference paperJardine RJ, Zdravkovic L, Porovic E, 1997,
Anisotropic Consolidation Including Principal Stress Axis Rotation: Experiments, Results And Practical Implications
, XIVth ICSMFE, Hamburg, Pages: 2165-2169 -
Conference paperKuwano R, Connolly TM, Jardine RJ, et al., 1997,
Shear Wave Velocity Measurement In The Traixial Apparatus Using Lateral Bender Elements
, Japanese National Geotechnical Congress -
Conference paperLiu JG, Capes R, Haynes M, et al., 1997,
ERS SAR Multi-temporal coherence image as a tool for sand desert study (dune movement, sand encorachment and erosion)
, Twelfth International Conference and Workshop on Applied Geological Remote Sensing, 17-19/11/97, Denvor, Colorado, USA, Publisher: ERIM, Pages: 478-485 -
Conference paperJackson C, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 1997,
Bearing capacity of pre-loaded surface foundations on clay
, Rotterdam, 9th Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. and Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG97, Wuhan, China, Publisher: A.A. Balkema, Pages: 745-750 -
Conference paperWilliams RE, Chow FC, Jardine RJ, 1997,
Unexpected Behaviour Of Large Diameter Tubular Steel Piles
, Int. Conf. On Foundation Failures, Publisher: Singapore Institution Of Engineers, Pages: 363-378 -
Journal articleChow FC, Jardine RJ, Brucy F, et al., 1997,
Time related increases in the shaft capacities of driven piles in sand
, Geotechnique, Vol: 47, Pages: 353-361 -
Conference paperChow FC, Jardine RJ, 1997,
Applying The New Imperial College Pile Design Methods To Large Open Ended Piles In Clay And Sand
, Oxford, 8th Int. Conf. On Behaviour Of Offshore Structures, Publisher: Pergamon, Pages: 109-124 -
Journal articleHight DW, Bennell JD, Chana B, et al., 1997,
Wave velocity and stiffness measurements of the Crag and Lower London tertiaries at Sizewell
, Geotechnique, Vol: 47, Pages: 451-474 -
Conference paperJardine RJ, Chow FC, 1997,
Improved Pile Design Methods From Field Testing Research
, Design Of Axially Loaded Piles: European Practice, Publisher: Balkema, Pages: 27-38 -
Journal articleZdravkovic L, Jardine RJ, 1997,
Some anisotropic stiffness characteristics of a silt under general stress conditions
, Geotechnique, Vol: 47, Pages: 407-438 -
Conference paperJardine RJ, Zdravkovic L, Porovic E, 1997,
Anisotropic Consolidation Including Principal Stress Axis Rotation: Experiments, Results And Practical Implications
, XIVth ICSMFE, Hamburg, Pages: 2165-2169 -
Journal articleGoes SDB, 1996,
Irregular recurrence of large earthquakes: An analysis of historic and paleoseismic catalogs
, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, Vol: 101, Pages: 5739-5749, ISSN: 2169-9313- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 42
Journal articleChow F, Jardine RJ, Chow FC, 1996,
Investigations into the behaviour of displacement piles for offshore foundations
, GROUND ENGINEERING, Vol: 29, Pages: 24-25, ISSN: 0017-4653- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 2
BookJardine RJ, Chow FC, 1996,
New Design Methods For Offshore Piles
, London, Publisher: MTD -
Journal articleLiu JG, McMoore, JMcM, 1996,
Direct decorrelation stretch technique for RGB colour composition
, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol: 17, Pages: 1005-1018 -
Conference paperChow FC, Jardine RJ, Brucy F, et al., 1996,
The Effects Of Time On The Capacity Of Pipe Piles In Dense Marine Sand
, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 7972, Houston, Pages: 147-160
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