Implementation of a practical sand constitutive model coupled with the High Cycle Accumulation framework in PLAXIS
A new MAGE paper has been published from Pishun Tantivangphaisal's ongoing PhD project that details the implementation of the High Cycle Accumulation framework in PLAXIS, coupled with a state parameter-based constitutive model for sands. It proposes changes to the base formulation and shows its application to the challenging problem of calculating the accumulation of deformations in offshore wind turbine foundations when subjected to thousands of loading cycles.
The new paper is available in MethodsX, where it is Open Access thanks to the support of Imperial College London Open Access Fund.
2024 Christmas party
The annual MAGE Christmas party took place today to celebrate the achievements of 2024 and look ahead at what 2025 is bringing to the group.
Back row: Pishun, Fabian, Maryam, Ethelbert, David & Eric
Front row: Javier, Alison, Katerina, Shengjie & Yunxiang
Not present: Agustin, Dariel, Francesca, Jiaming, Julia & Stavroula
We look forward to the next get together, which is scheduled for the week of the Rankine Lecture in mid-March!
A new method for estimating ground movements due to shaft excavation
A new MAGE paper has been published that proposes a new method for determining vertical and horizontal ground movements due to the excavation of shafts in London Clay. This paper is available on the Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering with the accepted copy available in Spiral.
As part of this paper, we created a spreadsheet that implements the developed expressions, which is available for download in Zenodo.
First place in blind prediction contest
The results of the GEOLAB Blind Prediction Contest organised by TU Darmstadt for pile foundations under monotonic and cyclic lateral loading are out!
The IC MAGE team comprising Pishun Tantivangphaisal, Fabian Wall and David M. G. Taborda from the Geotechnics section at Imperial College ranked first in the monotonic prediction, second in the cyclic prediction and took the top prize for the overall top prediction of the event, among 18 teams from 15 different countries around the world!
The team combined Seequent PLAXIS 3D with material models and advanced numerical tools developed by the IC MAGE research group and will now get the chance to present their prediction at the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics in Nantes, France, in June 2025!
Contact Geotechnics
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ
+44 (0)20 7594 6077
Alternatively, you can find a member of Geotechnics staff on the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering website.
Follow us on Twitter: @GeotechnicsICL
We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us