Academic Staff
Aikaterini (Katerina) Tsiampousi
Research Interests
- Development of soil constitutive models, algorithms and numerical methodologies
- Unsaturated soils
- Applications in geotechnical infrastructures (soil-atmosphere interaction, nuclear waste disposal, tunnelling, slope stability, engineered barriers)
David M. G. Taborda
Research Interests
- Development of advanced models for soils
- Applications in ground source energy
- Data-driven models in geotechnical engineering
Stavroula Kontoe
Research Interests
- Development and application of numerical methods to assess the performance of geotechnical structures
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering (seismic performance of tunnels, retaining structures and dams, soil liquefaction, site response analysis, topographic effects on seismic ground motion)
- Offshore geotechnics
Research Fellows & Research Associates
Dariel Hernandez Delfin
Research Interests
- Use of particle-scale simulations for calibrating and developing constitutive models
- Constitutive modelling of soils under cyclic loading
- Offshore geotechnics
Agustin Ruiz Lopez
Personal details
Agustin Ruiz Lopez Honorary Research Associate & Research Engineer at Seequent PLAXISResearch Interests
- Numerical modelling of underground construction processes
- Software development for geotechnical modelling and design
- Data science, machine learning and automation
Julia Katharina Moller
Personal details
Julia Katharina Moller Honorary Research Associate & Senior Geotechnical Engineer at Wood Thilsted
Doctoral Researchers
Alison Provost
Research Interests
- Thermal performance of thermo-active foundations
- Ground source heating and cooling systems
- Heat pump performance in the design of thermo-active piles
Ethelbert Mezie
Research Interests
- Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions on the stability of natural and man-made slopes
- Capillary barrier applications for stability of unsaturated soil slopes
- Unsaturated soil mechanics for geotechnical infrastructure
Fabian Ortiz Wall
Research Interests
- Dynamic/seismic soil response analysis
- Offshore geotechnics
Javier Sanchez Fernandez
Research Interests
- Evaluation of non-destructive integrity testing methods
- Development of surrogate geothermal models for real-world applications
- Numerical modelling of thermo-active structures
Jiaming Liu
Research Interests
- Tunnel-pile-building interaction in London Clay
- Tunnelling simulation in FE analysis
Maryam Maddah Sadatieh
Research Interests
- Soil-Plant-Atmosphere interaction
- Unsaturated soil mechanics
- Effect of climate change on engineering infrastructure
Pishun Tantivangphaisal
Research Interests
- Development and practical application of advanced soil constitutive models
- Bayesian methods to assess uncertainty in geotechnical characterisation and design
- Offshore geotechnics
Shengjie Ma
Research Interests
- Constitutive modelling in soil dynamics
- Development of advanced models for soil dynamics
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Yunxiang Yang
Research Interests
- Development of surrogate models for geotechnical applications
- Machine learning & Metaheuristics
Contact Geotechnics
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ
+44 (0)20 7594 6077
Alternatively, you can find a member of Geotechnics staff on the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering website.
Follow us on Twitter: @GeotechnicsICL
We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us