aerial view of white city campus

At Imperial's multi-disciplinary White City Campus we’ve been working with the local community in exciting new ways to create inclusive STEM learning opportunities (SDG 4).

Since 2010, Imperial has run the pioneering Wohl Reach Out Lab to inspire and engage young people from all backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

With the development of the new White City Campus in West London, the College has taken its model of hands-on STEM outreach even further, opening The Invention Rooms in 2017. This unique space offers local people the opportunity to access workshops, cutting edge design studios and interactive spaces to help them test out creative ideas, build real prototypes, and learn more about the world of science and technology.

Professor Maggie Dallman, Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships), said: “Our White City Campus is being purpose built to turn cutting-edge scientific research into real-world benefits for society and to address Sustainable Development Goals such as global health – SDG3, clean energy – SDG 7 and climate change – SDG 13.”

In addition to this, by engaging with the local White City community in exciting new ways, Imperial is also striving to create an inclusive society, reduce inequalities and provide equitable lifelong learning opportunities for all, in line with SDGs. Indeed, a specific target of SDG 4 is to ‘increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship’– which is exactly what Imperial is striving to do at White City.

A number of transformative initiatives have been running from The Invention Rooms, including Maker Challenge programmes for local young people to develop an idea and see it through to creation; Agents of Change, a unique women’s leadership programme and network which aims to support local women lead social change in their communities; and a What the Tech?! programme to help older members of the community get online and get the most out of their smartphones, laptops and other digital devices.