Online in September - November 2020
Future of wearables: clothing as technological objects
PPE (personal protective equipment) has gained a lot of press recently. But what is PPE? PPE is a collection of garments, wearable items designed for protection. Clothing has been one of the earliest technology humans invented. We now mostly see clothing as a social object rather than a technological object – except it is the other way round for PPEs and spacesuits. In a four-part series, we explore the different aspects of technical garments (in both PPEs and spacesuits) with practicing experts in relation to the current pandemic and explore key issues such as, 'what are the desirable future developments for such garments?' As technology gets more intertwined with health and wellbeing, this webinar series provides far-reaching insights into the complexity of technologies from robotic surgery to assistive wearables.
The 'Webinar Series: From PPE to Spacesuits' will take place in September - November 2020 online.
FAIR-SPACE Series: From PPE to Spacesuits

#1 Clothing as a System - ecology and evolution
#1 'Clothing as a System - ecology and evolution' took place on Wed 9th September 2020 at 14:00 BST

#2 Protective Clothing – layer up!
#2 'Protective Clothing – layer up!' took place on Thurs 17th September 2020 at 12:00 BST

#3 Adaptive Clothing – design for women
#3 'Adaptive Clothing – design for women' took place on Fri 9th October 2020 at 19:30 BST

#4 Clothing as Life Support – soft robotics
#4 'Clothing as Life Support – soft robotics' took place on Fri 13th November 2020 at 13:00 GMT
Programme Speaker Registration
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