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Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the W-pair cross-section and of the W mass in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> interactions at 172 GeV
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 581-595, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 61
Journal articleGarfield NJ, Patel M, 1998,
Spot-welding of fine thermocouple wires for use in ac calorimetry
, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vol: 69, Pages: 2186-2187, ISSN: 0034-6748- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 4
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Search for anomalous production of photonic events with missing energy in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=130-172 GeV
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 607-625, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 30
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Search for charged Higgs bosons in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s = 130-172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 180-192, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 15
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the inclusive charmless and double-charm B branching ratios
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 193-206, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 13
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
First evidence for a charm radial excitation, D<SUP>*</SUP>′
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 231-242, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 54
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Measurements of the B<sub>S</sub><SUP>0</SUP> and Λ<sub>b</sub><SUP>0</SUP> lifetimes
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 161-179, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 48
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Determination of A<sub>FB</sub><SUP>b</SUP> using jet charge measurements in Z decays
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 217-230, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 15
Journal articleAcciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the weak dipole moments of the τ lepton
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 426, Pages: 207-216, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 23
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity of weakly decaying B hadrons
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 425, Pages: 399-412, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 9
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Resonant structure and flavour tagging in the Bπ<SUP>±</SUP> system using fully reconstructed B decays
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 425, Pages: 215-226, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 51
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Searches for charginos and neutralinos in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=161 and 172 GeV
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 417-439, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 27
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Search for chargino and neutralino production at √s=170 and 172 GeV at LEP
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 213-236, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 65
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Tests of the standard model and constraints on new physics from measurements of fermion-pair production at 130-172GeV at LEP
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 441-472, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 66
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
An upper limit on the τ neutrino mass from three- and five-prong tau decays
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 395-406, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 82
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
A measurement of the B<sub>s</sub><SUP>0</SUP> lifetime using reconstructed D<sub>s</sub><SUP>-</SUP> mesons
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 407-416, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 6
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the b baryon lifetime and branching fractions in Z decays
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 197-211, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 36
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Measurement of trilinear gauge couplings in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at 161 GeV and 172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 423, Pages: 194-206, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 43
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Measurement of triple gauge boson couplings at 172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 422, Pages: 369-383, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 47
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the W mass by direct reconstruction in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at 172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 422, Pages: 384-398, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 22
Journal articleHori M, Torii HA, Hayano RS, et al., 1998,
Laser spectroscopic studies of state-dependent collisional quenching of the lifetimes of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms
, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol: 57, Pages: 1698-1712, ISSN: 1050-2947- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 38
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Polarization and forward-backward asymmetry of Λ baryons in hadronic Z<SUP>0</SUP> decays
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 49-59, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 108
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Search for neutral and charged Higgs bosons in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=161 GeV and 172 GeV
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 1-37, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 41
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Measurement of the quark to photon fragmentation function through the inclusive production of prompt photons in hadronic Z<SUP>0</SUP> decays
, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 2, Pages: 39-48, ISSN: 1434-6044- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 35
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Four-jet final state production in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 130 to 184 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 420, Pages: 196-204, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 6
Journal articleBarate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, et al., 1998,
Search for supersymmetry in the photon(s) plus missing energy channels at √s = 161 GeV and 172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 420, Pages: 127-139, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 33
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
Search for charged Higgs bosons in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s = 172 GeV
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 420, Pages: 140-156, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 16
Journal articleAckerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, et al., 1998,
Search for the B<sub>c</sub> meson in hadronic Z<SUP>0</SUP> decays
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 420, Pages: 157-168, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 42
Journal articleAbreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al., 1998,
m<sub>b</sub> at M<sub>Z</sub>
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 418, Pages: 430-442, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 69
Journal articleAcciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, et al., 1998,
Missing mass spectra in hadronic events from e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=161-172GeV and limits on invisible Higgs decays
, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 418, Pages: 389-398, ISSN: 0370-2693- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 8
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