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  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Minard MN, Nief JY, Pietrzyk B, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Comas P, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Juste A, Martinez M, Merino G, Miquel R, Mir LM, Padilla C, Park IC, Pascual A, Perlas JA, Riu I, Sanchez F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Marinelli N, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Alemany R, Bazarko AO, Becker U, Bright-Thomas P, Cattaneo M, Cerutti F, Dissertori G, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Gianotti F, Hagelberg R, Hansen JB, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Kneringer E, Lehraus I, Mato P, Minten A, Moneta L, Pacheco A, Pusztaszeri JF, Ranjard F, Rizzo G, Rolandi L, Rousseau D, Schlatter D, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Teubert F, Tomalin IR, Wachsmuth H, Wagner A, Ajaltouni Z, Barres A, Boyer C, Falvard A, Ferdi C, Gay P, Guicheney C, Henrard P, Jousset J, Michel B, Monteil S, Montret JC, Pallin D, Perret P, Podlyski F, Proriol J, Rosnet P, Rossignol JM, Fearnley T, Hansen JD, Hansen JR, Hansen PH, Nilsson BS, Rensch B, Waananen A, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Markou C, Simopoulou E, Vayaki A, Blondel A, Brient JC, Machefert F, Rouge A, Rumpf M, Valassi A, Videau H, Boccali T, Focardi E, Parrini G, Zachariadou K, Cavanaugh R, Corden M, Georgiopoulos C, Huehn T, Jaffe DE, Antonelli A, Bencivenni G, Bologna G, Bossi F, Campana P, Capon G, Casper D, Chiarella V, Felici G, Laurelli P, Mannocchi G, Murtas F, Murtas GP, Passalacqua L, Pepe-Altarelli M, Curtis L, Dorris SJ, Halley AW, Knowles IG, Lynch JG, O'Shea V, Raine C, Scarr JM, Smith K, Teixeira-Dias P, Thompson AS, Thomson E, Thomson F, Turnbull RM, Buchmuller O, Dhamotharan S, Geweniger C, Graefe G, Hanke P, Hansper G, Hepp V, Kluge EE, Putzer A, Sommer J, Tittel K, Werner S, Wunsch M, Beuselinck R, Binnie DM, Cameret al., 1998,

    Search for charged Higgs bosons in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<sub>-</sub> collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 130 to 172 GeV

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 418, Pages: 419-429, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Acciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Ahlen S, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J, Aloisio A, Alverson G, Alviggi MG, Ambrosi G, Anderhub H, Andreev VP, Angelescu T, Anselmo F, Arefiev A, Azemoon T, Aziz T, Bagnaia P, Baksay L, Ball RC, Banerjee S, Banerjee S, Banicz K, Barczyk A, Barillere R, Barone L, Bartalini P, Baschirotto A, Basile M, Battiston R, Bay A, Becattini F, Becker U, Behner F, Berdugo J, Berges P, Bertucci B, Betev BL, Bhattacharya S, Biasini M, Biland A, Bilei GM, Blaising JJ, Blyth SC, Bobbink GJ, Bock R, Bohm A, Boldizsar L, Borgia B, Bourilkov D, Bourquin M, Boutigny D, Braccini S, Branson JG, Brigljevic V, Brock IC, Buffini A, Buijs A, Burger JD, Burger WJ, Busenitz J, Cai XD, Campanelli M, Capell M, Romeo GC, Carlino G, Cartacci AM, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cavallari F, Cavallo N, Cecchi C, Cerrada M, Cesaroni F, Chamizo M, Chang YH, Chaturvedi UK, Chekanov SV, Chemarin M, Chen A, Chen G, Chen GM, Chen HF, Chen HS, Chen M, Chiefari G, Chien CY, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Civinini C, Clare I, Clare R, Cohn HO, Coignet G, Colijn AP, Colino N, Commichau V, Costantini S, Cotorobai F, de la Cruz B, Csilling A, Dai TS, D'Alessandro R, de Asmundis R, Degre A, Deiters K, Denes P, DeNotaristefani F, DiBitonto D, Diemoz M, van Dierendonck D, Di Lodovico F, Dionisi C, Dittmar M, Dominguez A, Doria A, Dova MT, Drago E, Duchesneau D, Duinker P, Duran I, Dutta S, Easo S, Efremenko Y, El Mamouni H, Engler A, Eppling FJ, Erne FC, Ernenwein JP, Extermann P, Fabre M, Faccini R, Falciano S, Favara A, Fay J, Fedin O, Felcini M, Fenyi B, Ferguson T, Ferroni F, Fesefeldt H, Fiandrini E, Field JH, Filthaut F, Fisher PH, Fisk I, Forconi G, Fredj L, Freudenreich K, Furetta C, Galaktionov Y, Ganguli SN, Garcia-Abia P, Gau SS, Gentile S, Gerald J, Gheordanescu N, Giagu S, Goldfarb S, Goldstein J, Gong ZF, Gougas A, Gratta G, Gruenewald MW, Gupta VK, Gurtu A, Gutay LJ, Hartmann B, Hasan A, Hatzifotiadou D, Hebbeker T, Herve A, van Hoek WC, Hofer H, Hong SJ, Hoorani H, Hou SRet al., 1998,

    Measurement of η′(958) formation in two-photon collisions at LEP1

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 418, Pages: 399-410, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Enderby MD, Clarke AR, Patel M, Ogden P, Johnson AAet al., 1998,

    An automated ultrasonic immersion technique for the determination of three-dimensional elastic constants of polymer composites

    , ULTRASONICS, Vol: 36, Pages: 245-249, ISSN: 0041-624X
  • Conference paper
    Ballestrero A, Charlton DG, Cowan G, Dornan P, Edgecock R, Ellis J, Glover EWN, Hawkes C, Hwang H, Jones R, Kartvelishvili V, Kunszt Z, Maina E, Miller DJ, Moretti S, Moutoussi A, Parkes C, Renton PB, Ross DA, Stirling WJ, Thompson JC, Thomson M, Ward DR, Ward CP, Ward J, Watson MF, Watson NK, Webber BRet al., 1998,

    Report of the working group on W mass and QCD

    , UK Phenomenology Workshop on LEP2 Physics, Publisher: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, Pages: 365-403, ISSN: 0954-3899
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva EDE, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jone M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts Jet al., 1998,

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=161-172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 425-438, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva EDE, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson Let al., 1998,

    Measurement of the W boson mass and W<SUP>+</SUP>W<SUP>-</SUP> production and decay properties in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s = 172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 395-424, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barillari T, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva EDE, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Lettset al., 1998,

    Measurement of f(c→D*<SUP>+</SUP>,X), f(b→D*<SUP>+</SUP>,X) and Γ<sub>c(c)over-bar</sub>/Γ<sub>had</sub> using D*<SUP>±</SUP> mesons

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 439-459, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Conference paper
    Wagner A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Girone M, Maggi G, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Raso G, Tempesta P, Burns M, Coyle P, Frank M, Moneta L, Rizzo G, Wachnik M, Focardi E, Sguazzoni G, Parrini G, Scarlini E, Halley A, O'Shea V, Raine C, Barber G, Cameron W, Dornan P, Gentry D, Konstantinidis N, Moutoussi A, Nash J, Price D, Stacey A, Toudup LW, Williams MI, Billault M, Bonissent A, Bujosa G, Calvet D, Carr J, Diaconu C, Blanc PE, Destelle JJ, Karst P, Payre P, Rousseau D, Thulasidas M, Dietl H, Moser HG, Settles R, Seywerd H, Waltermann G, Bettarini S, Bosi F, Dell'Orso R, Profeti A, Verdini PG, Walsh J, Bizzell JP, Maley PD, Thompson JC, Wright AE, Black S, Dann J, Kim HY, Bosisio L, Putz J, Rothberg J, Wasserbaech S, Elmer Pet al., 1998,

    Construction and performance of the new ALEPH Vertex Detector

    , 5th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics (ICATPP-5), Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Pages: 201-206, ISSN: 0550-3213
  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Minard MN, Nief JY, Odier P, Pietrzyk B, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Comas P, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Juste A, Martinez M, Orteu S, Padilla C, Park IC, Pascual A, Perlas JA, Riu I, Sanchez F, Teubert F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Marinelli N, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Alemany R, Bazarko AO, Bright-Thomas P, Cattaneo M, Cerutti F, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Hagelberg R, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Kneringer E, Knobloch J, Lehraus I, Lohse T, Lutters G, Mato P, Minten A, Miquel R, Mir LM, Moneta L, Oest T, Pacheco A, Pusztaszeri JF, Ranjard F, Rensing P, Rizzo G, Rolandi L, Schlatter D, Schmelling M, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Tomalin IR, Venturi A, Wachsmuth H, Wagner A, Ajaltouni Z, Barres A, Boyer C, Falvard A, Ferdi C, Gay P, Guicheney C, Henrard P, Jousset J, Michel B, Monteil S, Montret JC, Pallin D, Perret P, Podlyski F, Proriol J, Rosnet P, Rossignol JM, Fearnley T, Hansen JB, Hansen JD, Hansen JR, Hansen PH, Nilsson BS, Rensch B, Waananen A, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Markou C, Simopoulou E, Siotis I, Vayaki A, Zachariadou K, Blondel A, Bonneaud G, Brient JC, Bourdon P, Rouge A, Rumpf M, Valassi A, Verderi M, Videau H, Candlin DJ, Parsons MI, Focardi E, Parrini G, Corden M, Georgiopoulos C, Jaffe DE, Antonelli A, Bencivenni G, Bologna G, Bossi F, Campana P, Capon G, Casper D, Chiarella V, Felici G, Laurelli P, Mannocchi G, Murtas F, Murtas GP, Passalacqua L, Pepe-Altarelli M, Curtis L, Dorris SJ, Halley AW, Knowles IG, Lynch JG, O'Shea V, Raine C, Reeves P, Scarr JM, Smith K, Teixeira-Dias P, Thompson AS, Thomson E, Thomson F, Turnbull RM, Becker U, Buchmuller O, Geweniger C, Graefe G, Hanke P, Hansper G, Hepp H, Hepp V, Kluge EE, Putzer Aet al., 1998,

    Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector

  • Journal article
    Dornan PJ, Webber BR, 1998,

    Special issue: The UK phenomenology workshop on LEP2 physics Oxford, UK, 14-18 April 1997 - Introduction

    , JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, Vol: 24, Pages: 271-273, ISSN: 0954-3899
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva EDE, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson L, Lloyd SL, Loebinger FK, Long GD, Losty MJ, Ludwig J, Macchiolo A, Macpherson Aet al., 1998,

    Multiplicity distributions of gluon and quark jets and tests of QCD analytic predictions

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 479-494, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Asman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbi M, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Barring O, Bates MJ, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Baudot J, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokopytov Y, Belous K, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Billoir P, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blume M, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brand KD, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Brown RCA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Canepa M, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chen M, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Cindro V, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Dahm J, Dalmagne B, Damgaard G, Dauncey PD, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clercq C, De la Vaissiere C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Djannati A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Drees KA, Dris M, Durand JD, Edsall D, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Santo ME, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Feindt M, Fenyuk A, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Fichet S, Filippas TA, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Formenti F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Gelet al., 1998,

    Charged particle multiplicity in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP>→q(q)over-bar events at 161 and 172 GeV and from the decay of the W boson

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 416, Pages: 233-246, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barillari T, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dixit MS, do Couto e Silva E, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross Eet al., 1998,

    A measurement of the B<sup>0</sup><inf>s</inf> lifetime using reconstructed D<sup>-</sup><inf>s</inf> mesons

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 2, Pages: 407-416, ISSN: 1434-6044

    We report a measurement of the B0s meson lifetime from B0s → D-sX decays, where D-s mesons are reconstructed in the D-s → φπ- and D-s → K*0K- decay channels. From approximately 3.7 million hadronic Z0 decays recorded by the OPAL detector at LEP a sample is selected containing 911 ± 83 candidates, of which 519 ± 136 are estimated to be from B0s meson decays. Fitting the distribution of the distance from the beam spot to the decay vertex of the D-s candidates with an unbinned likelihood function we measure π(B0s) = 1 72+0.20+0.18-0.19-0.17 ps, where the errors are statistical and systematic, respectively.

  • Journal article
    Acciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Ahlen S, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J, Aloisio A, Alverson G, Alviggi MG, Ambrosi G, Anderhub H, Andreev VP, Angelescu T, Anselmo F, Arefiev A, Azemoon T, Aziz T, Bagnaia P, Baksay L, Ball RC, Banerjee S, Banerjee S, Banicz K, Barczyk A, Barillere R, Becattini F, Becker U, Behner F, Berdugo J, Berges P, Bertucci B, Betev BL, Bhattacharya S, Biasini M, Biland A, Bilei GM, Blaising JJ, Blyth SC, Bobbink GJ, Bock R, Bohm A, Boldizsar L, Borgia B, Bourilkov D, Bourquin M, Boutigny D, Braccini S, Branson JG, Brigljevic V, Brock IC, Buffini A, Buijs A, Burger JD, Burger WJ, Busenitz J, Cai XD, Campanelli M, Capell M, Romeo GC, Carlino G, Cartacci AM, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cavallari F, Cavallo N, Cecchi C, Cerrada M, Cesaroni F, Chamizo M, Chang YH, Chaturvedi UK, Chekanov SV, Chemarin M, Chen A, Chen G, Chen GM, Chen HF, Chen HS, Chen M, Chiefari G, Chien CY, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Civinini C, Clare I, Clare R, Cohn HO, Coignet G, Colijn AP, Colino N, Costantini S, Cotorobai F, de la Cruz B, Csilling A, Dai TS, D'Alessandro R, de Asmundis R, Degre A, Deiters K, Denes P, DeNotaristefani F, DiBitonto D, Diemoz M, van Dierendonck D, Di Lodovico F, Dionisi C, Dittmar M, Dominguez A, Doria A, Dova MT, Drago E, Duchesneau D, Duinker P, Duran I, Dutta S, Easo S, Efremenko Y, El Mamouni H, Engler A, Eppling FJ, Erne FC, Ernenwein JP, Extermann P, Fabre M, Faccini R, Falciano S, Favara A, Fay J, Fedin O, Felcini M, Fenyi B, Ferguson T, Fernandez D, Ferroni F, Fesefeldt H, Fiandrini E, Field JH, Filthaut F, Fisher PH, Fisk I, Forconi G, Fredj L, Freudenreich K, Furetta C, Galaktionov Y, Ganguli SN, Garcia-Abia P, Gau SS, Gentile S, Gerald J, Gheordanescu N, Giagu S, Goldfarb S, Goldstein J, Gong ZF, Gougas A, Gratta G, Gruenewald MW, Gupta VK, Gurtu A, Gutay LJ, Hartmann B, Hasan A, Hatzifotiadou D, Hebbeker T, Herve A, van Hoek WC, Hofer H, Hong SJ, Hoorani H, Hou SR, Hu G, Innocente V, Jenkes K, Jin BN, Jones LW, de Jong P, Josa-Mutet al., 1998,

    Measurement of the average lifetime of b-hadrons in Z decays

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 416, Pages: 220-232, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Creanza D, De Palma M, Girone M, Maggi G, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Raso G, Tempesta P, Burns M, Coyle P, Frank M, Moneta L, Rizzo G, Wachnik M, Wagner A, Focardi E, Sguazzoni G, Parrini G, Scarlini E, Halley A, O'Shea V, Raine C, Barber G, Cameron W, Dornan P, Gentry D, Konstantmidis N, Moutoussi A, Nash J, Price D, Stacey A, Toudup LW, Williams MI, Billault M, Bonissent A, Bujosa G, Calvet D, Carr J, Diaconu C, Blanc PE, Destelle JJ, Karst P, Payre P, Rousseau D, Thulasidas M, Dietl H, Moser HG, Settles R, Seywerd H, Waltermann G, Bettarini S, Bosi F, Dell'Orso R, Profeti A, Verdini PG, Walsh J, Bizzell JP, Maley PD, Thompson JC, Wright AE, Black S, Dann J, Kim HY, Bosisio L, Putz J, Rothberg J, Wasserbaech S, Elmer Pet al., 1998,

    Construction and performance of the new ALEPH vertex detector

    , Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, Vol: 61, Pages: 201-206, ISSN: 0920-5632

    A new Silicon Vertex Detector was developed for the ALEPH experiment and first installed for the high energy run at 130 GeV at the end of 1995. The detector has an active length of 40 cm and consists of two concentric layers of silicon wafers with double-sided readout. It extends the angular coverage, has only half the passive material as the former detector in the tracking volume and is radiation hard to cope with the higher level of radiation background expected for the LEP2 phase. The construction and the performance of the detector is described.

  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Minard MN, Nief JY, Pietrzyk B, Boix G, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Graugés E, Juste A, Martinez M, Merino G, Miquel R, Mir LM, Park IC, Pascual A, Perlas JA, Riu I, Sanchez F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Alemany R, Becker U, Bright-Thomas P, Casper D, Cattaneo M, Cerutti F, Ciulli V, Dissertori G, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Hagelberg R, Hansen JB, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Lehraus I, Mato P, Minten A, Moneta L, Pacheco A, Pusztaszeri JF, Ranjard F, Rolandi L, Rousseau D, Schlatter D, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Teubert F, Tomalin IR, Wachsmuth H, Wagner A, Ajaltouni Z, Badaud F, Chazelle G, Deschamps O, Falvard A, Ferdi C, Gay P, Guicheney C, Henrard P, Jousset J, Michel Bet al., 1998,

    K<sup>0</sup><inf>S</inf> production in τ decays

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 4, Pages: 29-45, ISSN: 1434-6044

    From a sample of about 160k Z → τ+τ- candidates collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP between 1991 and 1995, τ lepton decays involving K0S → π+π- are studied. The K0SK0L associated production in τ decays is also investigated. The branching ratios are measured for the inclusive decay B(τ-→K0SX-ν τ) = (9.70±0.58±0.62) × 10-3, where X- can be anything, and for the exclusive decays B(τ-→K̄0π-ν τ) = (8.55±1.17±0.66) × 10-3, B(τ-→K̄0π-π 0ντ) = (2.94±0.73±0.37) × 10-3, B(τ-→K̄0K-ντ) = (1.58±0.42±0.17) × 10-3, B(τ-→K̄0K-π 0ντ) = (1.52±0.76±0.21) × 10-3. The decay τ-→K0SK0Lπ-ντ is studied for the first time, giving a branching ratio B(τ-→K0SK0Lπ-ντ) = (1.01±0.23±0.13) × 10-3. The channels τ- → K0SK0Sπ-ν τ , τ- → K0SK0Sπ-π 0ντ , τ- → K0SK0Lπ-π 0ντ , τ- → K̄0π-π0π0ν τ, τ-→K0K-π0π 0ντ and τ-→K0h+h-h -ντ are also investigated. In addition, mass spectra in the K0Sh- and K0Sh-π0 final states are analysed to provide information on the intermediate states produced in the decays.

  • Journal article
    Acciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Ahlen S, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J, Aloisio A, Alviggi MG, Ambrosi G, Anderhub H, Andreev VP, Angelescu T, Anselmo F, Arefiev A, Azemoon T, Aziz T, Bagnaia P, Baksay L, Ball RC, Banerjee S, Banerjee SW, Banicz K, Barczyk A, Barillère R, Barone L, Bartalini P, Baschirotto A, Basile M, Battiston R, Bay A, Becattini F, Becker U, Behner F, Berdugo J, Berges P, Bertucci B, Betev BL, Bhattacharya S, Biasini M, Biland A, Bilei GM, Bizzarri R, Blaising JJ, Blyth SC, Bobbink GJ, Bock R, Böhm A, Boldizsar L, Borgia B, Bourilkov D, Bourquin M, Boutigny D, Braccini S, Branson JG, Brigljevic V, Brock IC, Buffini A, Buijs A, Burger JD, Burger WJ, Busenitz J, Cai XD, Campanelli M, Capell M, Cara Romeo G, Carlino G, Cartacci AM, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cavallari F, Cavallo N, Cecchi C, Cerrada M, Cesaroni F, Chamizo M, Chang YH, Chaturvedi UK, Chekanov SV, Chemarin M, Chen A, Chen G, Chen GM, Chen HF, Chen HS, Chen M, Chiefari G, Chien CY, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Civinini C, Clare I, Clare R, Cohn HO, Coignet G, Colijn AP, Colino N, Costantini S, Cotorobai F, de la Cruz Bet al., 1998,

    Measurement of the B<sup>0</sup><inf>d</inf> - B̄<sup>0</sup><inf>d</inf> oscillation frequency

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 5, Pages: 195-203, ISSN: 1434-6044

    Time-dependent B0-B̄0 mixing is studied using about two million hadronic Z decays registered by L3 in 1994 and 1995. For this study three techniques are used. Tagging of the b-quark charge at decay time is performed by identifying leptons from semileptonic B decays. The flavour of the b quark at production time is determined from the charge of the lepton in the opposite hemisphere or by using a jet-charge technique. The proper time of the B-particle decay is obtained by reconstructing the production and decay vertices or by a measurement of the lepton impact parameter. The combined result for the frequency of B0d meson oscillations is Δmd = 0.444 ± 0.040 ps-1.

  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Andreazza A, Andrieux ML, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Asman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbi M, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Barring O, Bates MJ, Battaglia M, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Baubillier M, Baudot J, Becks KH, Belokopytov Y, Belous K, Benvenuti AC, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Billoir P, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blume M, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Bozovic I, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brand KD, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Bricman C, Brown RCA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Canepa M, Cankocak K, Cao F, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chen M, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Cindro V, Collins P, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Dahm J, Dalmagne B, Dam M, Damgaard G, Dauncey PD, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clercq C, De la Vaissiere C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Djannati A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Drees KA, Dris M, Durand JD, Edsall D, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Santo ME, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Feindt M, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Fichet S, Filippas TA, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Formenti F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Gele Det al., 1998,

    Rapidity correlations in Λ baryon and proton production in hadronic Z<SUP>0</SUP> decays

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 416, Pages: 247-256, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, do Couto e Silva E, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJet al., 1998,

    Search for anomalous production of di-lepton events with missing transverse momentum in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> collisions at √S = 161 and 172 GeV

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 4, Pages: 47-74, ISSN: 1434-6044

    Events containing two charged leptons and significant missing transverse momentum are selected from a data sample corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 20.6 pb-1 at centre-of-mass energies of 161 GeV and 172 GeV. The observed number of events, four at 161 GeV and nine at 172 GeV, is consistent with the number expected from Standard Model processes, predominantly arising from W+W-1 production with each W decaying leptonically. This topology is also an experimental signature for the pair production of new particles that decay to a charged lepton accompanied by one or more invisible particles Further event selection criteria are described that optimise the sensitivity to particular new physics channels No evidence for new phenomena is observed and limits on the production of scalar charged lepton pairs and other new particles are presented.

  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Böhme J, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Doucet M, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus Jet al., 1998,

    An upper limit for the τ-neutrino mass from τ → 5π<sup>±</sup>v<inf>τ</inf> decays

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 5, Pages: 229-237, ISSN: 1434-6044

    An upper limit for the τ-neutrino mass has been determined from the decay τ → 5π±vτ using data collected with the OPAL detector from 1991 to 1995 in e+e- collisions at √s ≈ Mz. A limit of 43.2 MeV at 95% CL is obtained using a two-dimensional method in the 5π invariant mass and energy distribution from 22 selected events. Combining this result with OPAL's previously published measurement using τ+ τ- → 3h±v̄τ + 3h∓vτ decays, a new combined limit of mvτ < 27.6 MeV (95% CL) is obtained.

  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Etzion E, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fanti M, Faust AA, Feld L, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski Det al., 1998,

    Investigation of CP violation in B<sup>0</sup> → J/ψK<inf>S</inf><sup>0</sup> decays at LEP

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 5, Pages: 379-388, ISSN: 1434-6044

    An investigation of CP violation was performed using a total of 24 candidates for B0 → J/ψK0S decay, with a purity of about 60%. These events were selected from 4.4 million hadronic Z0 decays recorded by the OPAL detector at LEP. An analysis procedure, involving techniques to reconstruct the proper decay times and tag the produced b-flavours, B0 or B̄0, has been developed to allow a first direct study of the time dependent CP asymmetry that, in the Standard Model, is sin 2β. The result is sin 2β = 3.2+1.8-2.0 ± 0.5 where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. This result is used to determine probabilities for different values of sin 2β in the physical region from -1 to +1.

  • Journal article
    Araüjo HM, 1998,

    Study of bialkali photocathodes below room temperature in the uv/vuv region

    , IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol: 45, Pages: 542-549, ISSN: 0018-9499

    Two photomultiplier tubes with bialkali photocathodes and fused silica windows (2″ Philips XP2020Q and 1-1/8" Hamamatsu R1668) were studied between room temperature and -160°C, illuminated in dc mode in the UV/VUV wavelength range. The photomultipliers were operated as diodes, with direct measurement of the current of photoelectrons, in order to study in detail the effects associated to the photocathode. The influence of light intensity, applied voltage and illuminated area on the response as a function of temperature were investigated. The increase of the electrical resistivity of the emissive layer upon cooling proved to be responsible for a loss of linearity of the photocathode response, leading ultimately to the complete absence of signal at low temperature. A simplified model is presented that accounts for some experimental results. An unexpected increase of response below room temperature was also found at 170 nm. © 1998 IEEE.

  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Minard MN, Nief JY, Odier P, Pietrzyk B, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Comas P, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Juste A, Martinez M, Orteu S, Padilla C, Park IC, Pascual A, Perlas JA, Riu I, Sanchez F, Teubert F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Marinelli N, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Alemany R, Bazarko AO, Bright-Thomas P, Cattaneo M, Cerutti F, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Hagelberg R, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Kneringer E, Knobloch J, Lehraus I, Lohse T, Lutters G, Mato P, Minten A, Miquel R, Mir LM, Moneta L, Oest T, Pacheco A, Pusztaszeri JF, Ranjard F, Rensing P, Rizzo G, Rolandi L, Schlatter D, Schmelling M, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Tomalin IR, Venturi A, Wachsmuth H, Wagner A, Ajaltouni Z, Barrès A, Boyer C, Falvard A, Ferdi Cet al., 1998,

    Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector

    , Physics Report, Vol: 294, Pages: 1-165, ISSN: 0370-1573

    Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of strong interactions to be carried out using hadronic Z and tau decays. The studies presented include precise determinations of the strong coupling constant, tests of its flavour independence, tests of the SU(3) gauge structure of QCD, study of coherence effects, and measurements of single-particle inclusive distributions and two-particle correlations for many identified baryons and mesons. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Adzic P, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Anassontzis EG, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Åsman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbiellini G, Barbier R, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokopytov Y, Belous K, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Boyko I, Bozovic I, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Camacho Rozas AJ, Camporesi T, Canale V, Canepa M, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Castillo Gimenez MV, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Cerruti C, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chen M, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme Get al., 1998,

    π<sup>±</sup>, K<sup>±</sup>, p and p̄ production in Z<sup>0</sup> → qq̄, Z<sup>0</sup> bb̄, Z<sup>0</sup> → uū, dd̄, ss̄

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 5, Pages: 585-620, ISSN: 1434-6044

    The DELPHI experiment at LEP uses Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors for particle identification. The good understanding of the RICH detectors allows the identification of charged pions, kaons and protons, covering the full momentum range from 0.7 < p < 45.6GeV/c. The π±, K±, p and p̄ normalised production rates, their differential cross sections, multiplicities and the maxima ξ*p of_the ξp = ln (1/Xp) distributions are measured for three event samples Z0 → qq̄, Z0 → bb̄, Z0 → uū, dd̄, ss̄, selected from ∼ 1 400 000 Z0 decays collected by DELPHI in 1994. The results are compared to the predictions of the JETSET string fragmentation model and the HERWIG cluster fragmentation model. The Modified Leading Logarithm Approximation with Local Parton-Hadron Duality is tested. The ξ*p dependence on the primary quark flavour is investigated and quantified for the different particle distributions. The π± , K±, p and p̄ multiplicities are measured with precisions from ±4% to ±6%. Forche Z0 → qq̄, and Z0 → bb̄, event samples, these improve on previous measurements. The π±, K±, p and p̄ multiplicities for Z0 → uū, dd̄, ss̄ are presented for the first time.

  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, e Silva EDC, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinsonet al., 1998,

    Search for unstable heavy and excited leptons in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=170-172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 45-64, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Asman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barbi M, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Barring O, Bates MJ, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Baudot J, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokoptov Y, Belous K, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Billoir P, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blume M, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brand KD, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Brown RCA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Canepa M, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Chabaud V, Chapkin M, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chen M, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Cindro V, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Dahm J, Dalmagne B, Damgaard G, Dauncey PD, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clercq C, De la Vaissiere C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Djannati A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Drees KA, Dris M, Durand JD, Edsall D, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Santo ME, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Feindt M, Fenyuk A, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Fichet S, Filippas TA, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Formenti F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Geet al., 1998,

    Search for charginos, neutralinos and gravitinos at LEP

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 1-20, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva ED, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson Let al., 1998,

    Search for a massive Di-photon resonance at √s=91-172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 31-43, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke A, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy E, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, e Silva EDC, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson L, Lloyd Set al., 1998,

    Multi-photon final states in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √s=130-172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 21-30, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
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    Three-prong τ decays with charged kaons

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 1, Pages: 65-79, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
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    Measurement of the one-prong hadronic tau branching ratios at LEP

    , The European Physical Journal C, Vol: 4, Pages: 193-193, ISSN: 1434-6044

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