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If you have any general enquiries or would like to know more about the Professional, Technical, Operational & Learning (PTO&L) framework review, contact the Working Group.
Additional resources
The university’s negotiating team and the Joint Trade Unions (JTU) successfully concluded local pay negotiations for the year 2024/25, with the JTUs formally accepting the pay award. The acceptance of the pay offer in its entirety enables progress on the commitment to develop a reformed Professional, Technical, Operational, and Learning (PTO&L) Framework.
I will be leading this significant undertaking with a dedicated cross-university Working Group, including local Joint Trade Unions (JTU) and staff network members to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach. The Working Group will provide input and feedback on a range of proposals for the new framework for approval from the University Management Board (UMB), after which formal negotiations with the JTU will commence.
Following the work we have undertaken to revise our Academic, Research and Teaching Frameworks, the reform of our PTO&L Framework will enable structured and coherent career pathways for our staff with clear expectations required of each job level, in addition to improving our processes and governance.
Our work will be data-led including reviews across external benchmarks and stakeholder feedback, whilst also understanding the different approaches used in the Higher Education and other sectors. The reforms will also support the delivery of the ambitions contained in the Great People pillar of Imperial’s Enabling Plan where people and ideas thrive, and the employee experience is one of growth and belonging.
Richard Martin
Registrar and University Secretary
Chair - PTO&L Framework Review Working Group
What is within scope of this review?
- Review of best practice frameworks across all sectors.
- Review the current grading structure, including the starting point for a fixed salary.
- Develop new job family descriptors (for Professional, Technical and Operational only), to enable improved future career progression in addition to structured job description templates which are to be consistently used and applied across the university.
- For the Learning job family, only the pay structure will be reviewed and considered. Work is ongoing on the review of this job family.
- A review will be undertaken with regards to the future pay progression process, and if the university continues with the current auto-incremental increases which occurs annually in October for each year of employment served or if a revised process is adopted where evidence of delivery and outcomes during the year are reviewed first against a maximum of up to five spine points per grade.
- Review of the London HEI and other London sectors' median to upper quartile pay benchmarks obtained from independent external providers by the HR Reward team.
- Develop draft pay structures along with implementation options and costs based on the grading structure and informed by the pay benchmark information.
Tentative timeline
Below is a tentative timeline of the milestones the PTO&L Group will be working towards:
2024 | 2025 | 2026 | |
Quarter 1 | Pay award accepted in its entirety following successful negotiations between the university negotiating team and JTU | Aim to complete the review of best practice frameworks in HEIs and other sectors | Complete the development of pay structures and cost modelling |
Quarter 2 | Meetings taking place across a number of stakeholders to determine the scope of the project and the Working Group membership |
Aim to have completed the following two tasks:
Aim to present the pay structure and job family framework proposals to the UMB (for their review and approval) *Following UMB approval, negotiations will then commence with the JTU (with further details on the approach and timeline to be confirmed) |
Quarter 3 | Announce and launch the start of the PTO&L Review project | Aim to complete a review looking at the approach to external benchmarks and obtain applicable data |
Quarter 4 | Commence the review of best practice frameworks in HEIs and other sectors | Aim to complete work on the development of the job family framework and job description templates |
University governance and WG

University governance
- Draft pay structures, implementation options, and costs will be presented to the Operations and Infrastructure Committee for review and feedback.
- Updated draft pay structures, implementation options, and costs will be presented to the University Management Board (UMB) for decision on which option should be negotiated with the recognised Joint Trade Unions.
- Negotiations will be undertaken with the Joint Trade Unions on the proposed new pay structure and approach to implementation.
- Implementation of new pay structure and job family descriptors will then take place.

Working Group membership
The approach to this work will be cross-university, collaborative, and inclusive of diverse perspectives from different stakeholders both within and outside Imperial. View the internal Working Group membership.
Project support team:
- Audrey Fraser - Deputy HR Director (HR Partnering & Reward)
- Shan Rambukwella - Project Manager
- Tara Jewell - Senior Change Manager
- Angela Kehoe - Head of HR (Natural Sciences & Progression)
- Martina Quinn - Head of HR (Medicine)
- Emily Michael - Reward and Benefits Manager