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20 March 2017

What's new?

Data Centre Move - Progress Update

High Performance Computing (HPC) and Data Centre teams have been very busy lately. Users may not have noticed but College HPC equipment is being moved to the Virtus Data Centre in Slough - called London 4. Having established the best migration method and necessary infrastructure, systems belonging to the main cx1 cluster have been switched off, shipped using transportation specialists and reinstalled in the cutting-edge centre. By using transportation specialists we are able to minimise the service disruption with most users experiencing no interruption to their service. Migration of cx1 has been underway every Wednesday for the last three weeks and is now 25% complete.


Plans for the move of cx2 and ax4 are underway and details will be announced shortly.


For more information, see ICT's website - Projects and initiatives > Data Centre Relocation


Panopto Recorder Upgrade

On Monday 3 April, ICT will upgrade the Panopto personal and remote/scheduled recorders in ICT managed rooms (lecture theatres and teaching spaces) to version 5.3 (PC and Mac). Recorders will be upgraded to obtain essential bug fixes and ensure continued system support. Please note that only recorders will be affected, not the Panopto application on the server. Upgrade dates and times have been scheduled in consultation with room managers and work should take 5-10 minutes per machine, during which time recorders will be unavailable. Viewing, editing and management of recordings will be available on the server as usual. Where 3 April is inconvenient, upgrades will take place on 19 April.


To download a new version of the recorder on a personal or College computer after 3 April, login to Panopto and select 'Download Panopto'. To upgrade using a College computer, you will need admin access to your machine. If you do not have admin access, log a request with the ICT Service Desk.


Contact: E-learning Services team via the ICT Service Desk if you have any questions


Red Hat Linux 5 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 end of support

College runs many Red Hat Linux (RHEL) systems to support teaching, research and industry projects. RHEL 5 and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 will be out of vendor production support by the end of March and end of June 2017 respectively. Users should upgrade where it is feasible to do so, especially if you use these to run public services or applications. Services and applications running on these operating systems beyond the termination dates are at increased security and operational risks. There will be no bug fixes, security fixes, hardware enablement or root-cause analysis and support will be provided on existing installations only. Vendors reserve the right to terminate support at any time. For terms and conditions see Oracle Linux extended support policy.


Contact: the ICT Service Desk if you have any questions

Any other business

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to use NHS Mail

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust will be changing its email service to NHS Mail from mid-April. NHS Mail, also known as, is a reliable and secure email service in use by many other NHS organisations and has been approved by the Department of Health. Once Trust staff have been migrated to the new system, College colleagues will receive Trust emails from the address rather than Emails sent to will be forwarded on the new email for up to a year, but it is advised to update your address book to continue to send and receive emails to/from Trust colleagues.


If you have any queries please contact