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  • Journal article
    Kucernak AR, Offer GJ, 2008,

    The role of adsorbed hydroxyl species in the electrocatalytic carbon monoxide oxidation reaction on platinum

    , PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol: 10, Pages: 3699-3711, ISSN: 1463-9076
  • Journal article
    Professor G, Dr A, Miss N, Professor S, Professor W, Professor W, Professor R, Professor J, Dr R, Dr W, Dr J, Professor K, Professor B, Professor T, Professor S, Dr K, Professor M, Professor S, Professor G, Professor N, Dr H, Professor K, Professor S, Mr L, Dr FG, Dr Tet al., 2008,

    Electro-oxidation of ethanol and acetaldehyde on platinum single-crystal electrodes Discussion

    , FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, Vol: 140, Pages: 417-437, ISSN: 1359-6640
  • Book chapter
    Kucernak A, 2007,

    Electrochemically etched carbon fiber electrodes

    , Handbook of Electrochemistry, Pages: 221-226

    Etched insulated carbon fiber electrodes can be prepared from a suitable source of graphitized carbon fibers, copper wire, colloidal graphite, and a cathodic electrophoretic paint. The processes involved in the production of these electrodes involve mounting the carbon fibers, etching them to produce a sharp tip, and subsequent insulation of the tip so that only the very end of the tip is exposed. Etching of the electrodes requires a variable voltage AC source (50 Hz, 1-10 Vac), an AC current meter capable of measuring in the μA range and a suitable linear translation stage. Insulation of the electrode requires a DC power supply (0-20 V), linear translation stage, microscope, and oven. The insulation process involves two separate stages: electrophoretic deposition of paint onto the tip surface followed by a curing step at high temperatures during which the paint particles fuse together. Cathodic electrophoretic paint is the preferred polymeric material used to insulate the carbon fibers as the negative potentials required for deposition avoid any possibility of oxidative dissolution of the carbon fiber. Testing of electrodes requires a high-gain low-noise potentiostat. Testing is performed to determine the presence of any pinholes in the insulation. The quality of the coating of the electrode may be assessed in a nondestructive manner by measuring the diffusion limited current response as a function of the extent of immersion of the electrode into a suitable electrolyte solution. A more destructive approach to assessing the quality of the coating may be performed by polarizing the electrode in an electrolyte containing a suitable metal salt. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Book chapter
    Kucernak A, 2007,

    Single particle deposition on nanometer electrodes

    , Handbook of Electrochemistry, Pages: 709-718

    This chapter describes the electrochemical deposition of single particles onto electrodes of nanometer dimensions. The chapter mainly focuses on the deposition of material on nanometer-sized electrodes and the uses of such composite systems. There are a number of methods which in principle allow the formation of a nanoelectrode-film/particle composite: (a) direct physical contact of electrode to particle; (b) electrochemical deposition of particle or film; and (c) electrophoretic deposition of particles. Direct physical contact with a particle is made difficult in the nanoscopic regime because of the difficulty in imaging the particle system. For electrodes and particles in the micron-size domain, it is possible to use optical microscopes to see the particles and, using micromanipulators, move the electrode so that it is in contact with the particle. Deposition of particles through electrochemical deposition requires a suitable substrate and electrochemical system which shows a suitable nucleation density. The use of nanoelectrodes of suitable materials will allow a significant growth of understanding of nucleation and growth of a diverse number of systems. Standard electrochemical theory has been applied to the growth of single particles on microelectrodes. The growth of a single particle during single nucleation and growth is commonly preceded by an induction period. The formation of new nuclei is a result of aggregation of small atom clusters due to surface diffusion along the electrode surface. After the induction period, growth of the particle may be measured by following the current transient. The production of single nuclei is somewhat helped by the formation of "nucleation exclusion zones" around the growing particles. In the area surrounding a growing particle, there will be a reduction in the concentration of precursor, and this will reduce the probability of nucleating a new particle. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Journal article
    Eikerling M, Kornyshev A, Kucernak A, 2007,

    Driving the hydrogen economy

    , PHYSICS WORLD, Vol: 20, Pages: 32-36, ISSN: 0953-8585
  • Journal article
    Eikerling M, Kornyshev A, Kucernak A, 2007,

    Water in polymer electrolyte fuel cell: friend or foe?

    , Parity., Vol: 22, Pages: 4-13, ISSN: 0911-4815
  • Journal article
    Brett DJL, Atkins S, Brandon NP, Vasileiadis N, Vesovic V, Kucernak ARet al., 2007,

    membrane resistance and current distribution measurements under various operating conditions in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell

    , Journal of Power Sources, Vol: 172, Pages: 2-13
  • Journal article
    Brett D J L, Aguiar P, Brandon N P, Kucernak A Ret al., 2007,

    Measurement and modelling of CO poisoning distribution within a polymer electrolyte fuel cell

    , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol: 32, Pages: 863-871, ISSN: 0360-3199
  • Book chapter
    Forster RJ, Keyes TE, Liu B, Mauzeroll J, LeSuer RJ, Kucernak A, Demaille C, Holt KB, Lee Yet al., 2007,


    , HANDBOOK OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Editors: Zoski, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Pages: 155-260, ISBN: 978-0-44-451958-0
  • Book chapter
    Penner RM, Kucernak A, 2007,

    Metal Deposition

    , HANDBOOK OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Editors: Zoski, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Pages: 661-718, ISBN: 978-0-44-451958-0
  • Book chapter
    Amemiya S, Arning MD, Baur JE, Bergren AJ, Chen S, Ciobanu M, Cliffel DE, Creager S, Démaillé C, Denuault G, Dryfe RAW, Edwards GA, Edwards GA, Ewing AG, Fan F-RE, Fernandez J, Forster RJ, Haram SK, Holt KB, Holt KB, Keyes TE, Kucernak A, Lee Y, Liu B, Mauzeroll J, Mauzeroll J, Miao W, Minteer SD, Mirkin MV, Penner RM, Porter MD, Porter MD, Shao Y, Smith TJ, Stevenson KJ, Swain GM, Szunerits S, Ugo P, Tel-Vered R, White HS, Wittenberg NJ, Zoski CGet al., 2007,

    Corresponding Authors

    , Handbook of Electrochemistry, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: xix-xx, ISBN: 9780444519580
  • Journal article
    Vasileiadis N, Brett DJL, Vesovic V, Kucernak AR, Fontes E, Brandon NPet al., 2007,

    Numerical Modeling of a Single Channel Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

    , J. Fuel Cell Sci. Tech., Vol: 4, Pages: 336-344
  • Conference paper
    Kucernak AR, 2006,

    Polymer electrolyte fuel cell conductivity distribution measured and its effect on local current distribution

    , ISSN: 0065-7727

    The ability to make spatially resolved measurements in a fuel cell provides one of the most useful ways in which to monitor and optimise the systems performance. The local current distribution is controlled by a number of spatially varying parameters, not least of which are reactant concentration and membrane resistance. Local reactant concentration is dependent on what has happened to the reactant stream before it reaches that point. In a similar way membrane resistance is controlled by the local water stoichiometry which results from a subtle balance between the amounts of water produced and amount of water exchanged with the gas streams. In this paper, measurements of local conductivity and current are used to assess the conditions under which the local reaction rate is controlled by either water stoichiometry or reactant concentration. Previously, it has been shown that under conditions in which reactant concentration is the limiting factor, the current distribution along a single channel follows a relatively simple analytical expression. In this paper we show that experimental current profiles which deviate significantly from this analytical expression can arise from variations in local membrane conductivity. We also show under what conditions these variations arise, and assess the effects this has on operating fuel cells.

  • Journal article
    Eikerling M, Kornyshev AA, Kucernak AR, 2006,

    Water in polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Friend or foe?

    , PHYSICS TODAY, Vol: 59, Pages: 38-44, ISSN: 0031-9228
  • Journal article
    Kucernak AR, 2006,

    FUEL 145-Polymer electrolyte fuel cell conductivity distribution measured and its effect on local current distribution

  • Journal article
    Brown RJC, Kucernak AR, 2005,

    The photoelectrochemistry of platinum phthalocyanine films in aqueous media

    , JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY, Vol: 9, Pages: 459-468, ISSN: 1432-8488
  • Journal article
    Brown RJC, Kucernak AR, Taylor AG, 2005,

    Optical second harmonic generation at platinum phthalocyanine-modified platinum electrodes

    , THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol: 476, Pages: 373-378, ISSN: 0040-6090
  • Journal article
    Jiang JH, Kucernak A, 2005,

    Solid polymer electrolyte membrane composite microelectrode investigations of fuel cell reactions.: II:: voltammetric study of methanol oxidation at the nanostructured platinum microelectrode|Nafion<SUP>®</SUP> membrane interface

    , JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol: 576, Pages: 223-236, ISSN: 1572-6657
  • Journal article
    Kulikovsky AA, Kucernak A, Kornyshev AA, 2005,

    Feeding PEM fuel cells

    , ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, Vol: 50, Pages: 1323-1333, ISSN: 0013-4686
  • Conference paper
    Brett DJL, Atkins S, Brandon NP, Vesovic V, Vasileiadis N, Kucernak Aet al., 2005,

    Localised electrochemical impedance measurements on a single channel of a solid polymer fuel cell

    , 3rd Symposium on Proton Conducting Membrane Fuel Cells, Publisher: ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY INC, Pages: 336-348
  • Journal article
    Chen SL, Kucernak A, 2004,

    Electrocatalysis under conditions of high mass transport: Investigation of hydrogen oxidation on single submicron Pt particles supported on carbon

    , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol: 108, Pages: 13984-13994, ISSN: 1520-6106
  • Journal article
    Brett DJL, Atkins S, Brandon NP, Vesovic V, Vasileiadis N, Kucernak ARet al., 2004,

    Investigation of reactant transport within a polymer electrolyte fuel cell using localised CO stripping voltammetry and adsorption transients

    , JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, Vol: 133, Pages: 205-213, ISSN: 0378-7753
  • Journal article
    Jiang JH, Kucernak A, 2004,

    Investigations of fuel cell reactions at the composite microelectrode|solid polymer electrolyte interface.: I.: Hydrogen oxidation at the nanostructured Pt|Nafion<SUP>®</SUP> membrane interface

    , JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol: 567, Pages: 123-137, ISSN: 1572-6657
  • Journal article
    Jiang JH, Kucernak A, 2004,

    Mesoporous microspheres composed of PtRu alloy

    , CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, Vol: 16, Pages: 1362-1367, ISSN: 0897-4756
  • Journal article
    Chen SL, Kucernak A, 2004,

    Electrocatalysis under conditions of high mass transport rate: Oxygen reduction on single submicrometer-sized Pt particles supported on carbon

    , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol: 108, Pages: 3262-3276, ISSN: 1520-6106
  • Journal article
    Brown RJC, Kucernak AR, Long NJ, Mongay-Batalla Cet al., 2004,

    Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies on platinum and palladium phthalocyanines

    , NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Vol: 28, Pages: 676-680, ISSN: 1144-0546
  • Journal article
    Chen SL, Kucernak A, 2003,

    Electrodeposition of platinum on nanometer-sized carbon electrodes

    , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol: 107, Pages: 8392-8402, ISSN: 1520-6106
  • Conference paper
    Kucernak A, Jiang JH, 2003,

    Mesoporous platinum as a catalyst for oxygen electroreduction and methanol electrooxidation

    , 17th Meeting of the North-American-Catalysis-Society, Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, Pages: 81-90, ISSN: 1385-8947
  • Journal article
    Brett DJL, Atkins S, Brandon NP, Vesovic V, Vasileiadis N, Kucernak Aet al., 2003,

    Localized impedance measurements along a single channel of a solid polymer fuel cell

    , ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS, Vol: 6, Pages: A63-A66, ISSN: 1099-0062
  • Journal article
    Jiang JH, Kucernak A, 2003,

    Electrooxidation of small organic molecules on mesoporous precious metal catalysts II: CO and methanol on platinum-ruthenium alloy

    , JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol: 543, Pages: 187-199, ISSN: 1572-6657

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Contact Details

Prof. Anthony Kucernak

Molecular Sciences Research Hub (MSRH)
Imperial College London
White City Campus
W12 0BZ
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 5831
Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 5804