About us
The Food Student Research Network is the first student research network established at Imperial College London. The network brings together all students across the college working in fields relevant to food, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, community, cross-disciplinary learning, enrichment of perspectives and personal and professional development.
We strive to elevate Imperial students and the impact they have in food related research and innovation." Dr Aaron M. Lett Director of Food and Nutrition Student Research Network
The highly challenging and interdisciplinary nature of food research means students are spread across research groups, departments, and faculties at the College. The network recognises the value of multi-disciplinary learning, knowledge, and approaches to address the challenges of all research related to food. The network will bring all students together forming a vibrant student community and allowing an enriched, deeper, authentic professional research experience that promotes the cross-fertilisation of ideas, research, knowledge and learning beyond the area of specialisation of each member. All students at Imperial College London are welcome.
The network will provide a series of activities, events and opportunities throughout the academic year. The principal event will be an annual student conference, and also seminars, skills tutorials, hackathons, career support specific to food and socials. Through these activities, the network also provides a networking platform for students, academics at Imperial and externally of the college, and external partners.
This network is led by students at Imperial College, with each faculty having a student network manager representative. The network is inspired by the equivalent staff network (Centre for Translational Nutrition and Food Research).