
BibTex format

author = {Hill, V and Cleemput, S and Pereira, JS and Gifford, RJ and Fonseca, V and Tegally, H and Brito, AF and Ribeiro, G and de, Souza VC and Brcko, IC and Ribeiro, IS and De, Lima ITT and Slavov, SN and Sampaio, SC and Elias, MC and Tran, VT and Kien, DTH and Huynh, T and Yacoub, S and Dieng, I and Salvato, R and Wallau, GL and Gregianini, TS and Godinho, FMS and Vogels, CBF and Breban, MI and Leguia, M and Jagtap, S and Roy, R and Hapuarachchi, C and Mwanyika, G and Giovanetti, M and Alcantara, LCJ and Faria, NR and Carrington, CVF and Hanley, KA and Holmes, EC and Dumon, W and Lima, ARJ and De, Oliveira T and Grubaugh, ND},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pbio.3002834},
journal = {PLOS BIOLOGY},
title = {A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus},
url = {},
volume = {22},
year = {2024}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AU - Hill,V
AU - Cleemput,S
AU - Pereira,JS
AU - Gifford,RJ
AU - Fonseca,V
AU - Tegally,H
AU - Brito,AF
AU - Ribeiro,G
AU - de,Souza VC
AU - Brcko,IC
AU - Ribeiro,IS
AU - De,Lima ITT
AU - Slavov,SN
AU - Sampaio,SC
AU - Elias,MC
AU - Tran,VT
AU - Kien,DTH
AU - Huynh,T
AU - Yacoub,S
AU - Dieng,I
AU - Salvato,R
AU - Wallau,GL
AU - Gregianini,TS
AU - Godinho,FMS
AU - Vogels,CBF
AU - Breban,MI
AU - Leguia,M
AU - Jagtap,S
AU - Roy,R
AU - Hapuarachchi,C
AU - Mwanyika,G
AU - Giovanetti,M
AU - Alcantara,LCJ
AU - Faria,NR
AU - Carrington,CVF
AU - Hanley,KA
AU - Holmes,EC
AU - Dumon,W
AU - Lima,ARJ
AU - De,Oliveira T
AU - Grubaugh,ND
DO - 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002834
PY - 2024///
SN - 1544-9173
TI - A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus
UR -
VL - 22
ER -

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