Posters by DTP Students in their Second Year of their PhD

2020 posters

Chloe Seddon: Structural basis of mating pair stabilisation during bacterial conjugation

Deyl Djama: How thalamic inhibition alters visual information

Eleonora Moratto: Investigating the role of ELECTRIC FIELDS in Phytophthora palmivora interactions with Arabidopsis thaliana

Tarhan Ibrahim: Mechanisms governing defence-related autophagy against Phytophthora infestans


Harry Cavanagh: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Elucidating Perturbed Cell Growth

James Beattie: Non-homogeneous performance in the isolation of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies

Rhiannon Leyden-Preece: Synthetic Biology of Industrially Interesting Bacteria: Combinatorial Pathway Optimisation

Riccardo Wysoczanski: Analysis of defective phagocytosis in COPD using super-resolution microscopy and automated bacterial quantification