NNRD Information for Parents

NNRD Information for Parents

Watch "Neola", our in-house eNewborn AI avatar deliver the NNRD Information for Professionals in English With a global outlook, Neola has become an important part of our mission to communicate effectively with all our stakeholders and parents around the world.

Request Noela in your preferred language by emailing ndau@imperial.ac.uk.

Noela was created by Desmond Danso Sakyi, the Research Communications Lead at the Neonatal Medicine Research Group, under the stewardship of Professor Neena Modi.

NNRD Information for Parents

NNRD Information for Parents

NNRD Information for Parents

Watch "Neola", our in-house eNewborn AI avatar deliver the NNRD Information for Professionals in English With a global outlook, Neola has become an important part of our mission to communicate effectively with all our stakeholders and parents around the world.

Request Noela in your preferred language by emailing ndau@imperial.ac.uk.

Noela was created by Desmond Danso Sakyi, the Research Communications Lead at the Neonatal Medicine Research Group, under the stewardship of Professor Neena Modi.

Informații NNRD pentru părinți.

Informații NNRD pentru părinți.

Informații NNRD pentru părinți.

Urmărește „Neola”, avatarul nostru intern eNewborn AI care oferă informații NNRD pentru profesioniști în limba engleză Având o perspectivă globală, Neola a devenit o parte importantă a misiunii noastre de a comunica eficient cu toți părțile interesate și părinții noștri din întreaga lume. Solicitați Noela în limba preferată prin e-mail la ndau@imperial.ac.uk Noela a fost creată de Desmond Danso Sakyi, responsabilul de comunicare în cercetare la Grupul de cercetare în medicină neonatală, sub conducerea profesorului Neena Modi.

Informação NNRD para pais

Informação NNRD para pais

Informação NNRD para pais

Veja "Neola", o nosso avatar interno de IA eNewborn fornecer informações NNRD para profissionais em português Com uma perspetiva global, a Neola tornou-se uma parte importante da nossa missão de comunicar eficazmente com todos os nossos stakeholders e pais em todo o mundo. Solicite Noela no seu idioma preferido por e-mail para ndau@imperial.ac.uk Noela foi criada por Desmond Danso Sakyi, Diretor de Comunicação de Investigação do Grupo de Investigação em Medicina Neonatal, liderado pela Professora Neena Modi.

NNRD Informacje dla rodziców w języku polskim

NNRD Informacje dla rodziców w języku polskim

NNRD Informacje dla rodziców w języku polskim

Obejrzyj „Neola”, nasz wewnętrzny awatar eNewborn AI, który dostarcza informacje NNRD dla profesjonalistów w języku polskim Z globalną perspektywą Neola stała się ważną częścią naszej misji skutecznej komunikacji ze wszystkimi naszymi interesariuszami i rodzicami na całym świecie.

Poproś o Noelę w preferowanym języku, wysyłając wiadomość e-mail na adres ndau@imperial.ac.uk

Noela została stworzona przez Desmonda Danso Sakyi, kierownika ds. komunikacji badawczej w Neonatal Medicine Research Group, pod kierownictwem profesor Neeny Modi.

NNRD Information for Professionals

NNRD Information for Professionals

Watch "Neola", our in-house eNewborn AI avatar deliver the NNRD Information for Professionals in English With a global outlook, Neola has become an important part of our mission to communicate effectively with all our stakeholders and parents around the world.

Request Noela in your preferred language by emailing ndau@imperial.ac.uk

Noela was created by Desmond Danso Sakyi, the Research Communications Lead at the Neonatal Medicine Research Group, under the stewardship of Professor Neena Modi.

NNRD Information for Professionals

NNRD Information for Professionals

NNRD Information for Professionals

Watch "Neola", our in-house eNewborn AI avatar deliver the NNRD Information for Professionals in English With a global outlook, Neola has become an important part of our mission to communicate effectively with all our stakeholders and parents around the world.

Request Noela in your preferred language by emailing ndau@imperial.ac.uk

Noela was created by Desmond Danso Sakyi, the Research Communications Lead at the Neonatal Medicine Research Group, under the stewardship of Professor Neena Modi.

The National Neonatal Research Database

Information collected by staff on neonatal units are used to create the National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD). The information within the NNRD is called the Neonatal Data Set. This information is used to support research, surveys, quality improvement programmes and management reports aiming to improve newborn care and health outcomes. Any use of this information for research requires approval from a National Research Ethics Committee. No details that might identify you or your baby would be revealed unless you have provided your explicit permission to do so. The NNRD is created and held at the Neonatal Data Analysis Unit at Imperial College London where research is also carried out. These include linkage studies with other sets of data such as hospital admission statistics (HES) and mortality data sourced from the public body NHS Digital. Data from 2007 onwards are held in the NNRD.

Please find links to the National Neonatal Research Database Information for Parents leaftlet, the NNRD Parent Poster and the NNRD Privacy Notice. These provide more information about the NNRD and the services and projects it supports.


Opting out of your baby's data being included in the NNRD

England only- National data opt-out

The national data opt-out is a service that allows patients to opt out of their information being used for research and planning.

Patients can view or change their national data opt-out choice at any time by using the online service at www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters or by clicking on "Your Health" in the NHS App, and selecting "Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning".

If this is done NHS Digital will inform Clevermed who will ensure the opt out data is not transferred to the National Neonatal Research Database.

England, Scotland, and Wales

A parent can either log a call or email to the data hosting company, Clevermed Limited, themselves or request a member of staff on the Neonatal Unit to do so on their behalf. This can be done by email info@clevermed.com or phone +44 (0)131 221 7700.

Clevermed will ensure data is not transferred to the National Neonatal Research Database.

Faculty of Medicine

General enquiries

Neonatal Medicine Research Group and Neonatal Data Analysis Unit Manager
(All research related queries)
Room G 4.3
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

+44 (0)20 3315 5841

Research Communications Lead
(Communications related queries only)

Online Portals