Imperial News

New EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training

by Erika Rosivatz


The new centre in Physical Sciences Innovation in Chemical Biology for Bioindustry and Healthcare will train > 90 PhD graduates over the next 5 years.

The new CDT will train > 90 PhD graduates in translational multidisciplinary research through a bespoke training and research programme over the next 5 years. These students, armed with an in-depth understanding of product development pipelines across a variety of industries will be supported by a unique training and research environment that brings together the Imperial College Institute of Chemical Biology and strategic partners who represent the foremost players in the healthcare, therapeutic, personal care and agri-science sectors. The CDT will stimulate the development of novel molecular tools and technologies with enhanced quantitative capabilities for the study of biology, biomedical understanding and ultimately industrial or clinical benefit.

The new centre is one of 7 new centres at Imperial training the engineers and scientists of tomorrow  

Press release:



Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council