Imperial News

QPV students win awards at World Conference on PV in Kyoto!

by Dr N.J. (Ned) Ekins-Daukes, Tomos Thomas

Tomos Thomas (left) and James Dimmock (right)

Tomos Thomas and James Dimmock have won best paper awards at the 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion held in Kyoto, November 2014.

Congratulations to QPV PhD students Tomos Thomas and James Dimmock who have won best paper awards at the 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion held in Kyoto, November 2014. Tom's paper described some practical routes towards 50% efficient multi-junction solar cells while James presented his latest results on achieving a hot carrier solar cell.  Very fitting that their success in developing highly efficient solar cell technologies has been recognised internationally in the same conference centre that hosted the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.