Imperial News

Podcast: Titanic evidence, Antarctic thriller and robots teaching emotions

by Gareth Mitchell, Hayley Dunning

In this edition: New evidence of what really sank the Titanic, a book based on a real Antarctic expedition and robot helpers for children with autism.

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's Science Communication MSc course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roaming reporters.

Download the complete podcast (mp3)


News: Explosive history and better prosthetics – We look back at some of the highlights of 172 years of the Department of Chemistry and look forward to better prosthetic limbs that respond to nerve impulses.

What really sank the Titanic?: An Imperial expert in fire finds evidence for a surprising theory about the Titanic – that it was already on fire when it left port, and this contributed to its rapid sinking.

Antarctic thriller: When thriller author L.A. Larkin heard about Professor Martin Siegert’s expedition to drill into a subglacial lake in Antarctica, she thought it was the perfect setting for a murder. She joins Professor Siegert to talk about the resulting novel – Devour – and what makes Antarctica such a good backdrop.

Robots teaching emotions: Children with autism find reading facial expressions hard, and that’s where Zeno comes in – a new robot designed to teach basic expressions and interact with children on their level.