Imperial News

The science behind health showcased at community open day

by Dan West

A researcher from imperial college speaks to two residents

On Saturday an Imperial team hosted an interactive stand to share healthy science with members of the local community.

‘Moving Matters’, held at Kensington Leisure Centre on Saturday 14 October, invited local residents of all ages to enjoy a packed day of interactive activities, sport sessions and taster events.

Designed to promote the importance of leading healthy and active lifestyles, the event was organised by Better, a charitable social enterprise, in partnership with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

With the College’s new White City Campus being developed nearby, this was an opportunity to host a stand and spend time sharing science with new neighbours.

Imperial hosted a stand that included a brain challenges, manned by researchers from the College’s Neuroepidemiology and Ageing Unit, and a health-themed virtual reality booth. There was also a chance for visitors to compete for prizes in a ‘guess the calories’ competition organised by CHALK, an initiative led by Dr Raheelah Ahmed from the Department of Medicine.

A child using a virtual reality headset

Community Engagement Officer for White City, Priya Pallan, said: “It was brilliant to be involved with Moving Matters and share fun, interactive science with our White City neighbours. We are always delighted to take part in local events, showcase our research and grow our partnerships with community organisations. Many people who visited the stand were interested to hear about the new White City Campus and how they can get involved with the College in the future.”

One of the visitors to Imperial’s stand, Romy Batt, a local resident, said “trying out the VR was a fantastic experience, our whole family is excited about The Invention Rooms opening up next door. Imperial is right for the area, particularly for our young people with all the exciting new opportunities it will bring.”

Collaboration and Partnership: White City Campus

Participation in this community event was part of Imperial's ongoing commitment to work with the local community at White City. Imperial has already teamed up with other local organisations to deliver similar events – including Wormholt and White City Big Local, Queens Park Rangers and the W12 Festival – as it develops a major new campus in White City.

Later this month the College will be opening The Invention Rooms, a dedicated community engagement hub, at White City. The Invention Rooms will focus on ‘making’ – allowing local people of all ages and backgrounds to turn their creative ideas into real working prototypes using advanced technology, alongside Imperial staff, students, alumni and community partners.

Anyone who would like to find out more about the College’s programme of community engagement can contact

Read more about Imperial’s work in the latest White City community newsletter.