Imperial News

BBSRC proteomics equipment grant awarded

by Dr Ravi Singh

A BBSRC equipment grant awarded to establish new proteomics platform at Imperial College London

A cross-faculty consortium of research groups led by Prof Ed Tate, with researcher co-investigators Dr Jack Houghton and Dr Harry Whitwell, has been awarded a substantial grant under the BBSRC 21ALERT call to purchase a new proteomics platform to transform multiuser proteomics capabilities at Imperial College London.

This award will establish a modern proteomics facility open to all researchers at Imperial College, end-users in industry and external academic users, and deliver a range of new and enhanced technology applications to drive innovation in proteomics. This includes discovery proteomics, post-translation modifications, interactomics, structural proteomics, and chemical proteomics. Dr Jack Houghton is leading establishment of the platform which is expected to be operational by mid-2023.