Imperial News

Summer Reading 2: Making teams work for students

by Ms Cleo Bowen

Read about a different approach taken to teamwork in the My World module this year.

Next in our Summer Reading series is a blog post from the Change Makers Team on 'teamwork'. That word (or two) with the ability conjure up feelings of dismay, or delight in teachers and students alike.

During 2021-22 whilst teaching modules online, the Change Makers team tested out using 'Room Identities'. These allowed students to self identify with like-minded others and work companionably online, increasing their sense of belonging and of being 'seen'. Find out how this worked in practice.

Read 'Making teams work for students' (

In our next instalment of Summer Reading we'll be looking at feedback - watch this space. Or if you can't wait, jump ahead and read more of the blog posts on the Live, Love, Learn blog.