Imperial News

New leadership at Imperial Clinical Trials Unit

by Nicola Carter

Dr Victoria Cornelius has been appointed as the Director of Imperial Clinical Trials Unit (ICTU).

Dr Victoria Cornelius has been appointed as the Director. Previously Head of Statistics at ICTU, Victoria has worked in healthcare research as a statistician for over 20 years and specialising in trials research since 2011. She established the NIHR Statistics Group which she co-led till 2017, and founded the ICTU Methodology Group StatsCI in 2018. She leads the Child Health trial portfolio and undertakes trials in critical care, vaccines, mental health, asthma, and allergy. Her methodological research has been progressing approaches to improve the analysis of adverse events in trials, and she co-leads a new expert Adverse Events in Clinical Trials working group in the MRC Trial Methodology Research Partnership Outcomes group.

“Clinical trials evolved at a rapid rate during the world’s response to COVID-19. The trials community implemented advances in design and delivery not previously exploited. As a result we witnessed extraordinary examples of efficient trials answering vital questions in remarkably short timelines.

Now we know what is possible, our next challenge as a community is to build on this success. I am delighted to be in the position to support Imperial Clinical Trials Unit to do that.”